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 Jun 2019 Raj
 Jun 2019 Raj
I thought all my tears had dried up
But then you left ,
and proved me wrong
 Jun 2019 Raj
 Jun 2019 Raj
I thought writing after a heartbreak would be easier

But whenever I try to find the flaws to sketch ,

I'm met with a beauty more majestic
 Jun 2019 Raj
 Jun 2019 Raj
They say that parallel lines never meet

What they don't see is that they walk together till infinity
 Jun 2019 Raj
Surbhi Dadhich
 Jun 2019 Raj
Surbhi Dadhich
As we rattled pages
Of our memories
That smiled as that same girl
'Us' used to be
Yours is laboured pain
Mine is lost joy
Glaring from youthful 'us'
In flimsy shades
In clumsy photograph
Lying barren
Vying attention
Smiling as that same girl
'Us' used to be..
 Jun 2019 Raj
Surbhi Dadhich
His eyes were the smearing of ink
On a deep scented, long love letter
His skin was the radiant tint
On a warm, lusted petal
His brilliance brimming was rock-hard
On my 'oh so delicate' heart
His hair were specks of love
In my darkest nightmares
His jawline wore the jewel
The magic key to endless treasure
His hands were generously stemming out
Escalating my earnestness to be a beggar
His physique was the far-sighted temple
Mere sight of which shakes the conscience
As I inched closer , with a racing heart
An illegible fire resisted, tempting me more
As I stepped back, frozen
Yet in his unnerving trap
Clouding him behind his back..
Thank you for reading.
 Jun 2019 Raj
Surbhi Dadhich
I plundered
Out of sight, out of mind
Neglecting the unknown reality
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder"
 Jun 2019 Raj
Fatimah Noor
 Jun 2019 Raj
Fatimah Noor
In the golden hour enlivening
With some dreams twirling
Fiery eyes stood waiting
With some emotions drowning
She could not stop thinking
Her heart was clouding
The wilderness was calming
To the soul mystifying
 Jun 2019 Raj
Fatimah Noor
 Jun 2019 Raj
Fatimah Noor
The breeze sings to me
The flowers bloom in glee
The unreal sky in plea
In the balcony I've come to see
The vibrant colours of the tree
The little bird comes to me
Asking if the sorrows are ready to flee
I tell him sipping my coffee
They're not my cup of tea
Better throw kindness around like confetti
And just stay low key!
 Jun 2019 Raj
Ruman Hafsa
Down the street, was proceeding a lone heart
In a weary rhythm of the rain
Driving her bike away she went
In the crowd of a buzy lane

As she passed getting wet
The raindrops hitting on her face,
Appeared a little beaming one
Waved his hand to slow her pace

Requesting her in his sweet little voice
"O madam, please convey me
To a near by street on your way
For the rain is heavy"
, he did plea

On hearing this she did halt
Asking him to mount her bike
Drove further to her new destiny
And delivered away that little tyke

Hopping down from the roadster
"Thank you madam, may God bless thee"
Leaving the lone but now serene heart
He ran away towards his destiny

© by Ruman Hafsa
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