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  Feb 2019 Breanna evans
Just bellow
Till your hearts in tow
With the roads
Which you go
Don't just follow
Make it your own
Set the tone
It's your life
End the strife
Let the feelings flow
When your heart's in tow
Creating your own path
To lay down at last
Breanna evans Feb 2019

be it half full

or half empty,

fill it with


makes you happy

or pour some out

for whoever makes


h a p p y

just be sure to save

a little for yourself
let your cup

runneth over


that's whar ya like

just don't go around stealing drinks
being alone
is all you know
locked away
in your own mind
as the people walk on by
once in awhile they say hello
but eventually they all go
then you’re back to being alone
Breanna evans Feb 2019
spark the fire, and with each inhale,
I begin to drift further
in and out
of consciousness

deeper in,
further down
and somewhere between
exists inspiration

coming through
in waves

so I jot down what I can
because I don't remember dreams so well

but other times,

I just enjoy the vibrations
as they pass through every cell of my body
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