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1.4k · Dec 2018
A Darkened Mind Dec 2018
In laws like you are hard to find.
Fun and thoughtful and ever so kind.
To be a Horne means the world to me.
Part of the family, the best place to be.
1.1k · Nov 2018
A Darkened Mind Nov 2018
In our darkest moments
Our minds are a glow of creativity...
772 · Dec 2018
The black cloud
A Darkened Mind Dec 2018
I'm feeling kinda sad today
I really don't know why
My heads so high up in the clouds
i'm floating in the sky
I feel numb to real emotion
I feel switched off inside
I'm restless and just so tired
i crave a place to hide
457 · Oct 2018
A Darkened Mind Oct 2018
Devotedly loving,
Admiringly honest,
Deeply protective.
387 · Dec 2018
A Darkened Mind Dec 2018
Little lady, my perfect neice
Unconditonal love will never cease
Captivated by your smile
Important to me by a mile
Never will you need a thing
Delicate angel without wings
Aunty Katie wrote you this
(written with love and sealed with a kiss)
353 · Nov 2018
Sweet cigarette
A Darkened Mind Nov 2018
Why do I want you so.
Your bad for me,
That I do know.
Yet I pull you inside,
Feel you within.
I can't give you up.
I always give in.
329 · Oct 2018
A Darkened Mind Oct 2018
Amid the darkness,
the moon shines bright.
The sky scattered with stars.
You lay your head.
The day is done.
To pause for a moment,
To recharge.
Is the world asleep?
Are you the only one
With heavy lids,
With ticking mind?

Needing sleep,
Your brain refuses.
Is there a list to write,
a moment needing worry?
You check the clock
the time ticks on.
5 hours till your alarm,
Four hours, three, two
Will you get any sleep?

Panic starts to creep
You'll oversleep,
You'll  miss the day,
What if you never wake,
What if no one wakes?
How can you sleep?
There's thoughts to be had.
There's chores to list,
Your day to plan.

Where's the pause button,
The off switch?
The mind can wait,
Tomorrow will come.
Rest those lids,
Let yourself go
And drift away.
327 · Oct 2018
Love is selfless
A Darkened Mind Oct 2018
The embarrassment!
My mum and dad are holding hands!
They're kissing in public
Laughing as i cringe
They said one day I'd understand

They taught me what love is
Showed me to care for someone
more than I'd ever care for myself.
Showed me patience and understanding

Your other half may drive you crazy
But they are yours.
To laugh with and cry with.
To shout at and smile with.
A partnership.

Love is making memories
Enjoying each others company,
Playing scrabble, doing the crossword.
Breakfast in bed with the morning paper.
Small things to make each other smile.
Little notes and silly pet names

Love is honest and selfless
It's not perfection, and constant romance
But it's unconditional And never ending
301 · Oct 2018
A Darkened Mind Oct 2018
The world spins so fast.
I must catch my breath.
I fear I wont last.
I try and hold on.
I'm slipping away.
It all feels so wrong.
If I could just rest.
This  feeling for life
Has lost all its zest.
269 · Dec 2018
A Darkened Mind Dec 2018
I'm broken
I know for sure
I'm not whole
I was once
But not no more
It has crept in
A silent demon
Left me hollow
Taken who I was
left me with who I am
211 · Oct 2018
The monster in my head
A Darkened Mind Oct 2018
There's a monster that lives in my head
He taunts me and teases
Draining the colour from the day
Makeing every sound so loud and close
Engulfing and suffocating
He tells me the world is against me
And my friends all hate me
That  I'm a burden and ruin the fun

The monster twists inside my head
Making me dizzy and faint
He repeats everything I say and do
Convincing me that it's all wrong
Convincing me that I've upset people
And offended
He tells me stories from years ago
Stories about me
Stories that I should be ashamed of
Making me worry about the past, present and future

When he's at his worst
He makes everything blur
My heart beats out of my chest and I can't breath
He's strangling me and my legs give way
My hands no longer work and I can't speak
I feel defeated

But I won't let the monster win
Fighting him to catch my breath
To slow my heart
I wont give in
I'm stronger than he is
I wont let him **** the colour out of every moment of everyday
I'll push away the clouds he creates
Maybe he'll never die,
but I'm sure as hell he won't win!

— The End —