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The dark wet road reflects the neon lights
Very fast I drive towards the splendorous Dawn
While a poem is emerging from the air
All I know
Is how
I feel

And sometimes I
Wish I
Knew nothing
 Nov 2021 Possum living
Some hearts are deserts
in the
dry air between
the beauty of poetry
and one too many
poetic licenses.
 Nov 2021 Possum living
I don't feel special,
I'm not unique.
I want to cry
but I can't even speak.
My hands reach out,
but they cannot hold
a single thing
but the bitter cold.
Everything's frozen,
I feel lost.
Even my tears
have turned to frost.
When I cut my waist
it bleeds black.
I'm so deeply gone
there's no way back.
This is goodbye
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