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Melissa S
I am from a small town in Alabama. I use to keep a journal several years ago and quit writing altogether when I got too …
Pagan Paul
Bristol, England    I am Unique + I am a Capricorn = I am a Unicorn. . .© Pagan Paul 2016 - 2023 . .
M/Out there somewhere   
memoona kazmi
19/F    hey, my full name is SYEDA MEMOONA KAZMI and i am 19 years old. i started writing at the age of 17. poetry to me …
F/DMV    New to this and welcome feedback. I'm on IG at @letemflow
Sedina Durmic
28/F/Virginia    My passion for writing closely ties to my love for language and the art of words. My pen is dripping from my heart and soul …
61/M/Traverse City Mi.    I follow Our Country Our Choice Colonel Douglas McGregor And Scott Ritter, the weapons inspector. On Rumble and YouTube
April Jean
F/Canada eh?    ~Twisting words, curving roads, my writing pencil will take me home.~
31/M/NG    Oladele is my name. And you can as well call me BOB D. Have Written so many poems of different kinds, talking about nature, love …
26/M/Canada    Tapping to my inner self always...My writings are like dictation from my inner teacher!
Ronell Warren Alman
Lynnwood, Washington    This is my description of myself and my poetry. My name is Ronell Warren Alman. I was born on Monday, August 26th 1974 in New …
Abigail Hobbs
22/F/Washington    Thoughts, feelings, flowers and free verse.
Keith Wilson
Windermere UK    Retired Gardener. Been published in many books. But find this site truly amazing. Thank you all..
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