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Aug 2019 · 1.5k
Ancient twin pyramids
RhettlvScarlett Aug 2019
Twin ancient pyramids
standing still we are
a mystery to ponder on
aren't we?
Jealousies hunts me though
ancient twin love
I am crazed a human in love
since I first looked at you
and with just one look
thats all it took
I fell madly in love with you
I guess I found a praying saint
poet teacher mine
I dreamed of making
mad passionate love to you too
you were irressistible
sensual carefree with a white
slanted mysterious smile
to die for and ayyy amor
how painful this is!
I imagined you Alien
owned in heart
in another's arms
inside that ancient
perfect key match
heaven's gate
climbing mountains
The rivering watterfalls
on Earth swipped me down
forcefully so
just to drop me back
right into your ocean
reminding me
you were my chronological genius
for me a chronological disaster
I find you everywhere
in poetry in three ptofiles
in mirrors when I write
"I love you" in'm
you are wind acquarius near
and far water in my fire
my starry looking eyes
remained fixed
looking up ******
my giant masked face
in awe of these powers
connecting us in mind in heart
everywhere I look
there is you
and I am safe rich diamonds
are my tears
if only a buyer appeared
my diamonds priceless
bitterseweet luck is mine
such sacred true love
lost and found
to lose it again and again
as in a revolving ugly door
without positive resolution
of two coming into oness
investigating deficits
dividing togederness
unintentional malady
due to undisclosed illness
that cannot be rebutted
feeling rather cursed
abandoned unimportant
mysteriously marked
with time sensitive
for a famed endeavour
to passionately change Earth
And sorry I blocked you
my only friend on Earth
sorry I asked you to unmask
I am only human
most poets won't unmask
they remain covert
how painful
to be fallen down
just to stay pushed
back down again
into the same old pit
no one to give a hand up
from this hell on Earth
a self inflicted in error
unwanted malady.
Ayyy your bending blue
green eyes bewitched me so
Ayyy ay how painful lover mine beloved not to see them live
except in mirrors photo
Nymph sacred tree Dryad!
How late i understood
that with you I had it all
and lost it all.

But this is Earth
beloved precious
old true love
Theres still Heaven
there's more justice there
in the ballancing skales
meassuring hearts
inner core's true love
in the inside we are twins
and outside so much alike
you smile the smile I smile!
you can't really ever hide
you are me and I am you
our innercores
outer woven countenance
thunderous laughters and all
we are one and the same
twinsouls twin flames
anxient pyramid wonders
never really apart... sigh!
Copy Rights apply.
and 08-2020
You know who I am
behind this giant mask profile
I know you visit me I thank the Universe divine Holly as you are
and to me you are The Lord sent..
nothing else matters more than being understood believed
accounted for remembered
in a different light.
Aug 2019 · 438
If the cap fits
RhettlvScarlett Aug 2019
I believe her every word
here, there and everywhere
written spoken or silenced it's the truth!

Her surviving courage skill
a lesson of good and evil to all
in the face of cowardly
cold blooded assassins
demonizer slanderers
human predators

This beauty is my best friend
I am so blessed
my sister my doved eyed
an in and out beauty-rest
my beauty poetess is

much revered here in heart
her open minded nature
my inspiration she is!

This surviver was noones fool just hurting cornered and alone
in denial stunned
sacrificing all
for the ones she loved
So this lady parrot phrased
your culprits E-mailed
nasty notes  
cursing her mother birthing her!

thats all shes done wrong
to pay for it for lifetime long
is hellish travesty.

In the arena of the masked
the covert world of mirrors
granted a few final words
where compensation
she never sought!

My lady friend poetess
re-builds no sand castles to bridge no past disconnections

in this masked faceless cyber
H.P mirror
bridges tend to re-surfice spontaneously
unmasking key facts
completing past puzles
left unanswered

mis-sunderstanding innocent victims of crimes then left behind is very cruel.

It's induced evil fate
collapsing golden bridges
widening gaps
not even a two cent charity
for her pain was ever saught!
much less cash burried
a bank account could have help trace beloved kidnapped
How can someone valued so high
a genie in a bottle
not be protected
your lying significant other covert culprit
snake-eyed jeweled
is anchored to your bank
not to your heart.
no peaceful land!

No such viper's name can your heart carve
your master bed-room
has no tender grace

your picture painter
a Mom's nightmare ****** killer
shes is all yours to keep.

O I am only messanger on free will
platonic friendship
wins this beauty's trust.

friendship I offered gladly
no study subject intended
and these words are my own
my educated guess at best

yes knowing her
in and out beauty
is loving her!

Understanding her
is trusting her
this in and out beauty

her banner's of honor
is true love and to sacrifice her happiness for the benefit of all
even her enemies.

I remain loyal kneeling at this beauty's feet
whom you left behind
heartbroken trashed cursed

just to go romance
wine and believe
the bone fish stonefish real fool
cursing your beloved d M birthing her
insult she simply returned
to her the curser
not meant for you
oh why couldn't you ask
who sent that garbage to your beloved dreaming of you in that magestic bedroom downloaded copied and published
just to find you,
it hurt deeply
your Mom once called her your dignificant other  
you now call wife.
By: RhettlvScarkett
Reviced 03/20
I am a better bridge I unmasked and gave her protection and emotional support. Inspired and written for a great poetess on her true life events writing skills. Very fond of Karijinbba
Oct 2018 · 1.8k
RhettlvScarlett Oct 2018
A repost:
A Roman poem written before The birth of Christ, inspired the title Gone With The wind
with Scarlett and Rhett Butler

But here you see only old
confessions of a man's true love for his beloved who is all gone
(Or a woman's true love for
her beloved runner wishing she could have chased.)
Last night yesternight, betwixt her lips and mine
There fell thy shadow, Cynara! Thy breath was shed
Upon my soul between the kisses and the wine;
And I was desolate and sick of an old passion,
  Yea, I was desolate and bowed my head:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

All night upon mine heart I felt her warm heart beat,
Night-long within mine arms in love and sleep she lay;
Surely the kisses of her bought red mouth were sweet;
But I was desolate and sick of an old passion,
  When I awoke and found the dawn was grey:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.
I have forgot much, Cynara! Gone with the wind,
Flung roses, roses riotously with the throng,
Dancing, to put thy pale, lost lilies out of mind
But I was desolate and sick of an old passion,
  Yea, all the time, because the dance was long:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

I cried for madder music and for stronger wine,
But when the feast is finished and the lamps expire,
Then falls thy shadow, Cynara! The night is thine;
And I am desolate and sick of an old passion,
  Yea, hungry for the lips of my desire:
I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

By:Ernest Dowson
to honor Karijinbba
in her great loss and healing
of her memory chip.
Copy Rights.
Ernest Dowson (1867-1900) died of alcoholism at the age of 32. His downward spiral began at age 23 when he fell for an 11 year old girl who would spurn him at 14 when he proposed marriage.
The following year, in 1894 his father died from an overdose. Dowson's mother
hanged herself within a year of her husband's death.

Soon after this dual tragedy Dowson left for France before returning back to England in 1897. Curiously he lived with the family of his unrequited love. Penniless, heartbroken and filling the empty voids in his life with alcohol, Dowson would spend the last six weeks of his life in the cottage of the Oscar Wilde biographer Robert Sherard who had found him
drunk in a bar.

Speaking of Oscar Wilde, he wrote after Dowson's death of a,"Poor wounded wonderful fellow that he was, a tragic reproduction of all tragic poetry, like a symbol, or a scene.

I hope bay leaves will be laid on his tomb and rue and myrtle too for he knew what true love
unrequieted love was."
Rhett Buttler might have married other women but he never stopped loving Scarlett his true twin soul.

— The End —