El reloj es tranquilo, metódico, incluso cuando corre mi mano fuera de control, empujando palabras que se escapan de la ***** de mis cinco dedos de lápiz.
El poema se levanta en el este y se pone en el oeste, los conspiradores están de acuerdo.
La carrera debe seguir este curso.
The clock is calm, methodical, even as it races my out-of-control hand, pushing words leaking from the lead within my five pencil fingers.
The poem rises in the East and sets in the West, the conspirators agree.
The race must follow this course.
the inspiration:
“poems: the best don’t even flow, they fall out of ya
Its not even me that writes...my mind is hostage to a pair of Coconspirator...my hand and it's Muse, the pencil”
please read