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Jayne E
F/New Zealand    From New Zealand fair shores, originally from the UK, soon to relocate to the U.S.(California).
Poet X
16/Non-binary/Existing Between Stanzas    here to open my lockless doors .
Darrel Weeks
48/M/Derbyshire    And now we rise And we are everywhere Nick Drake
M/North Western Oregon    World traveler, Yarn Spinner, Published writer, Front porch philosopher, back porch dreamer. Gentleman Farmer, Devoted Father and Grandfather. Lover of Nature. Proud to have been …
21/F/Sol III    Probably fucking up my life idk
Gatwiri Karen
19/F/Nairobi,Kenya    Jus bc good things take time Unfinished,forever trying to figure it out :)
A B Faniki
39/M/Jimeta    I am A.B.Faniki I am from Jimeta. I love outdoor life. I am a poet by morning, a writer by night. I love playing game. …
F/Christchurch, New Zealand    An avid reader, sometime traveller, and urban photographer. Have spent most of my life writing essays. Maybe I can write something else? Overly fond of …
F/High lands    The truth is freedom
Bogdan Dragos
M    MY NEW BOOK: #WEBSITE: #INSTAGRAM: bogdan_1_dragos
Traveller in time
Ashford. Middx    '. Hate evil. Cling to the good '.
Tired trash
F/Ireland    Poetess, mum,lover, witch, nan,some would say over expressive,I would say, passionate about love and life...
Mellow waves
19/F/Lebanon    Poetry and violin stole my heart from the very start! Also i’m a thalassophile.
19/F/the Void • sometimes CA    Your Tech-Age Völva/Hægtesse☽☯☾ the name’s Selcæiös or Catt, it’s one and the same. "she wore a troublesome past like wings- she had been through hell, …
A Slow Heyoka
M/Plymouth, UK    With our thoughts we make the world.
16/F    I don't know why you are or I am here but if u already sit around take a look at my poems ;)
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