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 Sep 2018 sheila sharpe
Field of sun-flowers overhead:
The sparkling yellow grains
bursting out
of the stamens

The wind rises
a call to pollinate

I tuck myself
into a sheet-cocoon
fly upwards
out of the chrysalis.
In response to a,
"How are you doing?"
I beamed the brightest smile
And responded with a,
But I was not good,
Nor bad
Nor fine
Nor any manner of redundant emotions
But I was lonely
Despite the friends
The family
The boy
And it stirred up a flame of anger in my heart.
How could I be lonely
When I did not deserve it?
In an attempt to fan the flames
I texted
I called
I talked
And did everything I could
To shun the feeling
That is loneliness
But what I did not realize
Is that at this moment in time
On this day
In this hour
I was meant to feel lonely
Loneliness was meant to enter into the home of my heart
And that is okay
So next time he comes along
I am going to open the door
Pull out a chair
Grab him some tea
And abide with him for a moment
Because as crazy as it sounds
Loneliness makes me feel
A little less lonely
An open letter to a feeling that made me feel a little too much yesterday.
He catches the eye
Only for a linger
And not a stare

But he catches the heart
Like a falling star
You only see once
But it is enough to make you lock the door
And throw away the key
 Sep 2018 sheila sharpe
 Sep 2018 sheila sharpe
Drenched in your kiss
Submerged in such bliss
Oh love,
Won’t you rain
Down on me?
 Sep 2018 sheila sharpe
Lora Lee
there is a tree
growing in this
its roots cracking
from fissured earth
the trunk, in layers
sprouting solid
from ancient rebirth
Breathing light
into branches,
unfurling -
not always
with ease, yet
always in a rising,
not always in comfort
but in the end
a widening,
        lit horizon
of past blood lining shed
of crimson cycles renewed
of old patterns,
            gone and dead
of mosaic seedlings strewn
and now before
sacred eyes
a photosynthesis occurs
revealing leaflets, tender
reaching into
grounded universe
I am a star-system
a stellar orbit landscape
a singing cosmic rune
a ring of phosphate fire
under tourmaline moon
rubies, garnets, onyx
all pouring from this
innermost, feminine cavern
liquid gold, in lava form
precious metals,
a righteous storm
wild dancers
around the blaze
swaying magic
in midnight haze
and here I stand,
in uterine gleam
the fruit of my soul
the queen
          of my
 Sep 2018 sheila sharpe
Star BG
You my dear spirit guides,
are the gardeners for my soul.

Cultivating my heart to blossom,
as sun rays from higher self aids.

Gracefully I turn,
swaying to music of heart.
Divinely I watch as third eye opens  
with visions grand.

You dear God, supply the seeds
that fuel my breath.

Expanding my dreams to root in
Mother’s soil as I sing.

Sing... Hooray, for the breath that ignites cells
in bodies field to thrive.

Sing...Hurray, for my sacred gardeners
who show me how
to unfold into my magnificence.
Inspired by sheila sharpe's poem The Gardner's Of My Soul poem. Thanks  for sharing your talents on HP
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