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I just can’t help noticing
So many poets
With splits hearts
The hearts that cries out for help
Yet I’ve noticed
The silent sounds
From the comments
The words you’ve  never said
Not a sound is heard
As they’re desperately crying for help
Their tears are falling for us
Their words crying ink
To be touched and set free
we must open our eyes
To their writings for it has a tale to tell
A glimpse of the roller-coaster of emotions
going on through the poets lives
But many go unnoticed
So I prayed
We can noticed their cries
And shield them from dangers unaware
And try to see yourself through the poets minds
Sometimes I ask myself
Are they truly In need of help
Or Is it just writings
And since I don’t have the answer
You don’t know the answer
We must and should
Reached out
Yes it is true
It’s not  our profession
But it is also true that
We are all God’s creatures
And the great book says
help those who cannot
Help themselves
So next time you
And you and you
Notice a writer
Crying out for help through their ink
It won’t hurt to send
them a few words
of encouragement
A few words of hope
Or maybe just a good morning
Sometimes goes a long way
let them know
Life is precious
It has its ups and downs
But it always gets better
As I expressed
It wasn’t long ago
When a phone call saved my life
Maybe you’re the last word
the poet is waiting on
Before they’ve reach a dead end
It’s too late
The Singing Of silence

Mournful quires how they can sing
Away out upon the most deserted land~
Away out into the deserts vast
Silence hauntingly sings across the sand~
An endless landscape onward spreads
Where there's nobody to be found~
To be caught our here is to know fear
So burning hot the ground~
Silence sings its mournful song
Like a quire of sheer warning~
To stay too long is to die
And so the winds carry the quire of mourning~
The nights they are as cold as cold
The days hotter than one can bare~
Not a place to love with grace
To go one better had prepare~
No water to be found around
Only naturals survive~
And then with fright they appear at night
In order to live there and stay alive~
Not a place to be in a sandy sea
Most of all if your alone~
The desert plays games with ones mind
Having wish you'd stayed at home~
And all the while for every day,night and mile
The quire of silence sings~
From dawn all day to morning it sounds it's warning
As the hottest sun it stings~
The singing of the silence
Can send a man insane~
All in a short while and for every mile
To leave this place never to go again~
So many can tell of stories so well
Of very near not ever coming home~
No such thing as luck if out there your stuck
And left there to survive alone~

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright ( 2007 )  2018
Please don't attempt
To presume what they want
Inspiration may lead to action,
But sharing heartache
Evokes warmth

You so easily judged and labeled:
"Woe is me"--imaginary fluff,
But let me remind you
Job and Shakespeare coined that phrase
Knowing well, how this world is rough

I'm reflected within these words
You can't choose which I share
Not all of what you read will you comprehend
For your shoulders are inexperienced
Of the burden mine bear

© JL Smith
The leaves,
though they're dying
still believe they are flying
They soar
taste the wind, paint the ground, scent the air
The fall leaves abound
and I dance the season
among them for now
I dance for the voyage that this bright Earth has made
I dance for the Mother Sun, steadfast in her stay
I dance for the rhythm that this world can't mandate
I dance for the journey that I too must take
The dressed Autumn leaves
they play their lament
They make it a melody on their last descent
I can't sing along for I know not their song
But I'll dance til their melody ends. Yes,
I must dance til the melody ends.
Hibernation of memories
In the shower
Their spring awakening for me
Setting my mind
Into the land of poetry
Words begin to float
Throughout my mind
With symmetry
Unfortunately, no pin, no paper
No PC anywhere
Close to me
Just time to relax
In a bit of
Steamy heat
Clearing the mind
Setting free
Back into the land
How now the vanishing wind…
The days are upon us
  last season begins

All words are regifted
  and placed into song

As time has now shifted
  our last excuse gone

How now the suffering lies…

The light burns immortal
  old visions decry

What’s done long behind us
  new storms call our name

The clouds mark their entry
—the past left to blame

(Villanova Pennsylvania: August, 2018)
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