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  May 2018 Saasha
Amanda Kay Burke
I try so hard to
Make your life better but I
Only make it worse
It's like the harder i try the more damage i cause
Saasha May 2018
Isn't impressive...
Please! let me avoid,
Cause I respect the cloud 's freedom
I will be always disappeared by taking care of peace.
Only peace ✌
Respect other's human right between friendships.
Saasha Apr 2018
Should be disappeared...
Am I???
Healing of dreamer ❗
I am shape of escape
Am I sure ?
Like a stone
Saasha Mar 2018
OK! That's awesome.
Yes. That's great.
Right! Of course.
If so, tell me why!
  Mar 2018 Saasha
and then there was you
who, without knowing
just knew
  Mar 2018 Saasha
John Keats
Son of the old Moon-mountains African!
Chief of the Pyramid and Crocodile!
We call thee fruitful, and that very while
A desert fills our seeing's inward span:
Nurse of swart nations since the world began,
Art thou so fruitful? or dost thou beguile
Such men to honour thee, who, worn with toil,
Rest for a space 'twixt Cairo and Decan?
O may dark fancies err! They surely do;
'Tis ignorance that makes a barren waste
Of all beyond itself. Thou dost bedew
Green rushes like our rivers, and dost taste
The pleasant sunrise. Green isles hast thou too,
And to the sea as happily dost haste.
  Mar 2018 Saasha
I have no complaint
prosperity that
the golden Muses
gave me was no
delusion: dead, I
won't be forgotten
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