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718 · Jan 2019
Prathi Sekar Jan 2019
Years later I will remember your name
And all the sweet things
And wonder what could have changed
Between two strangers
528 · Nov 2018
Prathi Sekar Nov 2018
In the chair by the sill
Sits old man Bill
Limbs unmoved for years
No sign of smile or tears
Well, they say 'deathly still'
371 · Jul 2018
Prathi Sekar Jul 2018
Golden light fills the sky
Gentle breeze embraces me
Warm sand kneads my feet.
A soft gurgle escapes
When the waves tug the shore playfully.
Time has paused at this perfect moment
Or Is it my heart pacing as fast as time
Creating a perfect illusion?
I look at your lit face,
Eyes wide above that sunken nose
Brown hair reflecting the golden hue
The soft brush of your hands against mine
Jitters emanating from our bodies
I look into your eyes
shoving the muddles from my head
I lean closer
My lips brushing against yours
Our first kiss
Etched by the golden sun
The gentle breeze
In the Eternal truth
289 · Jan 2019
Prathi Sekar Jan 2019
The years gone
You and I
Underneath the rug
With icy cold toes
I look for the
Warmth I know
In a text
In a picture
In myself.
285 · Nov 2018
Prathi Sekar Nov 2018
Rustling by the window
“Is that a cat?” I ask
“No”, it says
“Why?” I ask
“It doesn’t mew”, it says.

Rustling by the window
“Is that a dry leaf?” I ask
“No” It says
“Why?” I ask
“It isn’t autumn” it says
Rustling by the window
“Is that a ghost?” I ask
“Yes” it says
“Why?” I ask
“It says yes.”
270 · Dec 2018
Therapy in Toilet
Prathi Sekar Dec 2018
Pants down and legs apart,
I sit in the toilet seat.
My fat white thighs reminding
Yet again of the gym membership.
While I pour out the yellow liquid,
I break into two songs
Loving my voice
Bouncing off the walls.
I ponder the logic behind
Muffled voices of my home and
Resonating voices of the neighbour's
As I wait for that reluctant drop
To accept its fate.
There it comes
Spreading pleasure up my body,
Reeling me from meditative state.
I stroll out the door to life.
240 · Nov 2018
The goodbye I never said
Prathi Sekar Nov 2018
In the darkest and longest nights
When sleep resists with all its might
Gliding gracefully into my thoughts
Are your brown eyes and unfilled dots.

Frantically pushing you away
Into my mind's vortex, I tumble.
In the pits of joy and angst
And guilt and regret, I crumble.

Like a frail boat
Heading to the oceans
Unaware of the storms
I fell for pretty love.

The sunshine and rainbows of
Hidden glances and shy smiles,
Random Hangouts and daft banters
The stolen kisses and tender touches.

But the grey crept in
And the storm broke me
With rains of guilt
And gales of regret.

For all the tears you cried
For all the nights you bled
I cower my head in shame
I cage my heart in blame.

And for the goodbye I never said
I write a thousand words.
235 · Nov 2018
Prathi Sekar Nov 2018
I remember the first meeting
With this strange feeling
It felt like waking up from a slumber,
Gazing with confusion at your room
Except the room was my heart.
It wasn't even a different day
The heels clicking down the corridors,
The quick banging of doors
And the click of the locks
Had the same echoes.
My roommate looked the same
Glasses perched on her nose
The thin pony rocking to her tune
Tiny dark hairs above her lips
The visit to salon was still a long way.
Yet as I gazed at her
The strange feeling took new forms.
Memories of past four months
Walked through my thoughts.
I had a surprising conviction
That I could do anything for her.
My heart smiled in gratitude
For the fortune that came my way
The fortune of knowing her,
Sharing few years of our lives.
That was all I wanted and
The realization astonished me.
I stood flabbergasted at
The love that unravelled.
216 · Dec 2018
Maybe I will
Prathi Sekar Dec 2018
Trudging through the seconds
With my shoulders slumped,
I leave footprints behind
For the rampant wind
To consume all traces.

I see faces
Some in despair
Some in exasperation
Faces Like mine
Scrunching into the distant
For something other than sand

Had I closed my eyes
And straightened the frown
I'd have seen shimmering stars
Stretching to infinity,
The glowing moon
And its concave smile,
Fierce orange and serene blue
etching the legacy of hope
Into all the lost souls.

They are waiting.
Maybe I will.
Hope and optimism are with us. We can seize if we make a choice to.
192 · Nov 2017
Prathi Sekar Nov 2017
There’s a skip in my step
There’s a whistle in my mouth
I soar upon the sky
With a twinkle in my eye

The days of waiting has ended
Bringing hopes of a future bright
I join my naughty brothers
I join my sweet sisters

Mama squeezes my fluffy skin
Papa pats my lovely head
They say
“Finally, your feathers have sprouted”
145 · Apr 2020
Prathi Sekar Apr 2020
Walked under her roof many a times
And stopped at the same spot every time,
Maybe for a second or an hour
But stopped, I have
Pulled by its shapes and colors.
The triangles with skewed angles;
The square that was but for the incline;
The Pentagon with a corner amidst its edge
But mistake it not for a hexagon.
It was all in the spot.
The black and the white
The light and its lack
Or was it the other way?
They bend and curve
And twist and slide
An intricate game they play
You'll be privy if lucky.
It was all in the spot.
Here's a secret,
No spilling it.
Look past the dazing whites
And listen with ears up.
You can hear the muffled howls
Or the percipient giggles,
See the contorted faces
Or the grins short of grimaces.
As the keen pairs of eyes from all the years
Stare deep into you, do not flee.
For it is all in the spot,
The spots on the roof
The spot on the floor.

— The End —