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 Aug 2017 tinay
Roberta Day
 Aug 2017 tinay
Roberta Day
I want to sleep forever and reside in my dreams
           To frolic through a collage of different spectacles and scenes
                An escape from the insufferable, cruel world at large
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever so I can live in my dreams
           The ruler of the lands, the queen of all kings
               With nothing to fear but the darkside of the conscience
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever and fight my inner demons
        Provide peace of mind for all bothered and exhausted
              Float on utter bliss; those monsters, I'll never miss
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever and never show sadness again
        Bright, long-lasting smiles on weekly sullen days
             Created and maintained in a variety of ways
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever to erase everything
       I want to sleep forever and feel warmth again
           To bathe myself in content that won't ever end
Let me sleep forever
 Aug 2017 tinay
Mohd Arshad
 Aug 2017 tinay
Mohd Arshad
Not follow the changes
Is being irresponsible for duties
 Aug 2017 tinay
Mane Omsy
Running for a shelter in the middle of a battlefield
Bullets screamed through hearts and minds
Fall for the pits, or on the mines trapped
Now the terror will survive, doves fought
Burning the leaves and turning ashes vanish
Awaiting the phoenix burn the way out
Smell the flesh in the flames and bombings
Let the soul rest in peace, let it breathe slowly
Huh? Hell in the direction, dust stuck in eyes
Light headed, hit on the ground, to the death mud
47's spitting golden fire, steal the cold, the soul
Mind the way, dirt mixed with fragments of dreams
Invitations, ring designs, birthday gifts
On the blood mud, the view, slowly faded, blank, then darkness
A slodier's experience.
All aboard and mind your step
As this train leaves, there's nothing left
An epic journey, winding tracks
And no chance or choice of looking back
It steams its way towards parts unknown
Where it has never, ever gone
And through it all, the only hope
Is to hang on to that proverbial rope

The tracks will twist and turn about
And turn your perception inside out
It'll blow your mind, and make you scream
At times you'll think it is a dream
But still, it rolls, never receding
Sometimes it'll leave you broken, bleeding
And in those moments, you'll only cope
And hold on tight to that damnable rope

You can't stop once it's going full steam
And you'll feel you're coming apart at the seam
Still the ride goes on with no way of knowing
If you're speeding up, or somewhat slowing.  
Without effort, it'll rule your world
As forth and back in the car you're hurled
And when it makes you want to mope
**** it up and hold onto the rope

The train won't stop again for you
You have to board, and see it through
Or let it go, and bid farewell
Let the lost opportunity put you through hell
The best you can do, is take the chance
Board the train, join in the dance
And welcome the chance, embrace the hope
 Aug 2017 tinay
Tia Imani Rose
I keep thinking that if I disappeared, my life will cease to exists and maybe then, i’ll be free. I’m wanting to fly with eagles and taste the sweetness of clouds. Angels sing to me the secret songs of hidden treasures left in the pit of my soul.. “stay a bit longer” echoes through me & it's the promise of tomorrow that fuels the air in my lungs.

One day, it'll be better.
 Aug 2017 tinay
Dimitrios Sarris
That which heart defines
don't let go.
That which heart dictates
try to let go.
It's unfair and sore
to hold what's repressed.
It's insane and bold to burden the chest
which holds my heart's abyss.
I could never ask more from a soul
which always asked forgiveness.

— The End —