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Why do we Hallmark our holidays and fabricate ceremonies?

We guilty non-obligators celebrate all things that can't be true,
forcing smiles in rooms full of elephants yet no one’s a candidate for sainthood.

I tell myself I’ll do better than they did, but doing better than they did
still leaves roles un-played and dreams unfulfilled.

I may understand life from the top to the bottom but I live in the dash between the hair of the dog and last call.

While people without broken bones wander around on crutches,
we who were broken as children walk on feet-less legs,
a trail of pain follows wherever we go.

Its inevitable for us to get stuck between bitterness and agony while all the while we fail to make sense of what it is we're living for.

I don’t want to be celebrated I’d rather be understood, so maybe then the searing heat of loneliness we never speak of might die a slow death.

I only wanted for you what was better than what I had
not knowing that without the bad there is never any good.

Every left hand turn leads to something right eventually
and when we exist for only ourselves the world is not round rather flat and we tend to fall off the edges into pandemonium and unhappiness.

Its not what we have it’s the pursuit that keeps us going but I need to not want in order to feel what I feel.

To sit still is more consuming than any long term project.

When I have it all I have nothing,

an uneasiness with the easiness of stress free living,

a simmering flame of doubt about all that's gone wrong in my life while things that happened 30 years ago feel as fresh as tomorrow.

I read an article today that said the drug ecstasy can take away depression but we all know lots of pills can do that.

The bottom line in all of this, I wish I had a reset button, a restart after false start, a wake up to reality call, I'd throw away the wigs I wear, powder coated cover ups,  and let my hair grow long,

get back to the basics,

maybe start with Bukowski,

celebrate the simple things in life.
I've been having trouble summoning my muse of late so I borrowed Gonzo's muse and wrote this for him.. I hope it sounds like him, he has a unique style that I tried to imitate..I hope he doesn't Mind...
Its the end I never cared to write the distance to great and still within my reach.

My road now is traveled alone and I simply check still to see if your there.

The mind is the worst prison of them all
My thoughts far stronger than the iron bars I view the outside world has become a stranger now.

I know my truths and see your path separate .
A man can only take so much and I have died many times only to return a little  less than what I was before.

Nothings left now tell me where we go from nowhere ?

Another midnight drive looking for what I can never find.
Old pictures captured emotions I just can't stand to bleed these lines.

Maybe it catches you when none other can see.
And the scar we bare together .
You view alone shed a tear and recall .

All I know  is my page is coming to its chapters close.

We chased many a sunset kid.

And I am left with nothing else to say.
we have fallen madly in love
or perhaps
we have just fallen in love
or we certainly
love each other
but maybe
we just need each other

a moratorium on desolation
its possible no one else would have us
and solitude will seal us in
like black stone gargoyles
that crush the sky

will we not turn to naked rain
wandering transparencies
bodiless monsters
like desolated desserts
with led mouths
horizons in retrograde
while ****** lips
sallow vagrant hollows

our eyes windmills veiled
stained with tears
road signs
no one can read
and weeping
no one hears
I don't know
which way to go.
I'm blinded by
the tears in my eyes,
and numb
to the way I feel inside,
but baby,
at least the bottle's dry.
I would say one look from you could make the blood run cold but there was no warmth in you to begin with
#Memoirs of a bitter heart
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