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 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
Gabriel burnS
Words are the hands of thoughts;
Fingertips flow
Where she clenches her eyes
Sinking teeth
In lower lip
Prison bars to sighs
Anchored to liberty
Looming like a storm
in the distance
Alternate version:

Words, the hands of thoughts;
Fingertips flow
Where her eyes close
Clenching sighs;
Pearls emerge from darkness
Sinking in scarlet
Till the salt sparks
The sweet
And the lip trickles
Iron taste
Of the coming storm
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
Devil in a red dress,
she will tear you apart.
As quick as a whip,
as sharp as a dart.
trample on your dreams,
I tried to warn you from the start.
Daddy's little girl, spoiled rotten , right down to her heart.
loves getting what she wants,
and she wants what she wants.
She's hotter than sunny day;
  her smile - take your breath away
devil in a blue dress
that plays so ruff
even the bad boys don't stay
but she's heaven sent
cause God, made her that way.
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
The difference
between you
and me;
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
miss you
kiss you
use to
do things
to each other
that were better than ever
made promises that should last forever
the words stuck
but we couldn't keep it together
from what I can see
its for the better
life changes
like cold weather
we had to weather the storms
now we know better
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
Playgrounds turn to battlefields
as our children grow into children
who **** children
and it's always us vs them
as sneakers filling with sand
turn into boots filling with blood
but blood is cheap
and easy to make
the less we educate
the more likely our babies
will make babies of their own
while they are still babies
so take away birth control and information
and it doesn't have to be safe ***
as long as they keep getting pregnant
consensual or ****
lets keep that fetus safe
we need new feet to keep marching
to keep those old war drums banging
late into the night
to keep our enemies hating
on what we do because
they just don't get our idea
of what it means to be cool
it's live by our cross
or die by our sword
in the might of the dollar
and the words printed on every coin
we know we're always right
so military or civilian just bomb them all
and let god sort them out
because blood is cheap
and the dollar needs
of that beautiful thing we call war
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
We chase illusions of what life is being advertised as
By the greed of old hate filled men
who value lead and steel and death
Over blood and bones and life
By those that trade the innocent smiles
of our children and their futures
With made for profit wars
that have no real enemies
But only corrupt business men
sleeping with ****** politicians
Pretending that their drones and bombs and bullets
Carry the promise of good intentions
Of protecting freedom and upholding peace
But only delivering death and filling graves
Using headlines like a spinning coin
to hypnotize the masses
That it is always us versus some them
There is always some them
some where doing something
That has to be stopped
And they use pride and faith
to fuel their ideologies
And words and reason fall short
to might makes right
And its the same old lies
that we buy again and again
Ignoring the truth so we can chase
the life they advertised...
 Jul 2017 Jenn Linh
phil roberts
Do not dream too loudly
You may awaken your conscience

                                        By Phil Roberts
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