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 Sep 2018 Tessa
 Sep 2018 Tessa
Good, Bad
Right, Wrong
The list just goes on and on

There is a line that no one should cross
It has been blurred and lost

Morals are guidelines
Everyone is an exception
Lost in a sea of philosophical deception

So here you go
Round and round again
Running the same circles you did back then

You try to keep straight
But it is harder now
Always letting your loved ones down

Your mind betrays what you know to be true
It keeps you caged like a monkey at a zoo

You keep dancing the dance
You keep singing the song
Even if you know it to be wrong

You know who you are
Or at least who you want to be
So why can't you just let yourself free?

A stranger whispers things in your ears
But you don't believe what you hear

You are breaking the chains
The light is in sight
But than it flickers
and your trapped in the night

You keep holding on
As strength fills your soul
But you start to stagger when the fight takes its toll

Your almost there
The end is in sight
The noose you wear is tied tight

The tears slip out
Your hoping for peace
Second-guessing as you look at your feet

Than sudden like a storm
You hear the voice
The one telling you to make a different choice
The one telling you, you'll be okay
The one screaming this isn't the way

You breath out relief
Your death-wish ends
And your will to live extends

The second-wind hits
"I won't go out like this"
There is too much I'll miss

The words the stranger whispered that day,
Gave you a sword so your demons you could slay

You repeat as a mantra never leaving your thoughts,
Giving you strength as they ought

And that is when you realize
Under the scarred skin and thoughts of mud
Under all the tears and blood

There is someone who is beloved
As the words echo,

"You Are Loved"

Hold fast this lifeline
Never let it go
As you learn to love
In a world of ice and snow
For those who need to know, you are never alone. We love you.
 Sep 2018 Tessa
Pain cycle
 Sep 2018 Tessa
Pain felt without lesson learnt
Makes the pain a cycle
 Sep 2018 Tessa
It's not your fault

So please ... don't blame yourself
And know that it's ok to ask for help
Words may leave you feeling wounded
That your sad, pathetic, and stupid
Take no heed
Those degrading thoughts you don't need
I know that it hurts coming from the person
That you thought you could trust the most
But now is not the time to lose your self esteem and hope
What they say has more to do with them
Then it ever had to do with you
Making you feel like a failure no matter what you say or do
Do not...I repeat...Do not
Let someone else's insecurities and issues
Run your esteem into the ground
Let you fall and stay down  
You're worth more than you know
Time to get up and reach your full potential
Now go!
Dear Universe
Give everyone
What they deserve

— The End —