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  Aug 2015 Trish Smith
Oh feel our bodies grow,
And our souls they blend.
Yeah love I hope you know,
How much my heart depends.
Tom Odell
  Jun 2015 Trish Smith
Oh darling my heart's on fire  ❤

                      *For you
Passenger and Edward <3
  Jun 2015 Trish Smith
-Never let yourself fall prey
To something you feel has captured you
For nothing can be taken from you without your consent.-

  Jun 2015 Trish Smith
Vanessa Gatley
Your're like a
Your branches are rough
Refering to your
Skills of showing off
When your leaves are
You become greedy with
When theres a point your 're
you can snap easily
If somene holds you
The wrong way
During fall you
Change your self
To red or fury
Yellow to mellow
Not giving a care in the world
Orange to be sweet and calm
You never speak
That's exactly
How a tree is
I could hug you tight
But  maybe you won't
In return
  Jun 2015 Trish Smith
My heart felt anonymous glory
You see; me and him, we had a love story
That only I knew about.
With my eyes yearning for a drought
I loved him more than a friend
But i was just a companion that his God had send.
And when he brought her to meet me,
Introducing me just as what he'd only known me to be,
My emotions went astray
And I turned to her; "We're not friends,
We're just strangers with memories"

Then walked away
Still yearning for that drought
Hoping that he'd understand what i felt without doubt
Just one day maybe
I'll be your baby
But for now
My  dreams is where you have vowed!

This simply explains the eccentricities of a girl to be with who she truly loves no matter who he is ... :/
  Jun 2015 Trish Smith
I try to get a grip of time
But I keep making love to a man that will never be mine
I caress more than his mouth
And he moans without doubt
Timely shadows of ecstatic instruments hit the wall
Until the clock strikes the end of it all..
Tobacco candies between my burnt lips
As he brush my many napes with his fingertips
Probably thinking about that girl he has deceived  
And just before he leaves
I Stifle the tears that i'll never be the queen on his deck
And he leans forward to give me a peck
     And nothing more
     After all, as he once said; i'm just his *****...

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