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 Apr 2016 Tommy Jackson
I walk alone,
On the borderline,
I carry it on my mind,
The one that defines society,
And separates out the hermitage,
Some things I'm just afraid to accept,
I just rejected their lies & their bling.
My HP Poem #1060
©Atul Kaushal
 Apr 2016 Tommy Jackson
I wonder
How many lovers
Will I break
Glass ***** in my hands
I shatter them

But then there is you
My past
You've found new love
And as a friend,
I look on

At what was mine...
You were a cheat
And those never change

So hear I am
A goddess I claim many hearts
I feel the glass
Beneath my feet
Them I walk upon

Oh darling I'm a magnet
They come to me
And I still watch
How do I move on! The frustration is too much
When I was a younger man
Time moved so much quicker
There was always something happening
Always something changing
Somewhere to go
Something to catch up with
Or even to escape from
People came and went
Then came and went again
"Where's he living these days?"
"Who knows what's happening?"

Now things are quieter and calmer
In this age of ghosts
In the land of the lost and lonely
Where once there was speed
There's nowhere to go
And nothing much changes
Even my dreams remain the same
As, with an unaccustomed patience
I write poems
And wait

                              By Phil Roberts
Quiet echoing
                         tranquility loosens me
                                                                 *I bask in your love
 Apr 2016 Tommy Jackson
What a fool I was , undignified
to light one up at the funeral,
the mourners gasped, as I blew you that
one last shotgun , as I promised you
I would that day we met in April
1967 at the love-in
on the hill the new rock bands playing
songs of peace and love so beautiful
the flowers and  kisses being gave
out so freely and we got so high
promised if you died I'd give you one
last shotgun to take you smiling out
to wherever it is ole' hippies
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