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cringemaster May 2015
A lie told a thousand times
is still a lie, only slightly harder to deny
the biggest lie anyone can tell anyone
yet such a little phrase shared between only you and her
something able to turn someone from freezing to
blazing and then back to cold again
it's able to turn off the light
leave you out in the night
so she can watch you fight off the tears as she leaves for no reason more
than her simple carnal desire that will eventually evolve into
the burning fire of a sentence that used to be exclusively used for you

"I love you"

How can one little line
cause a thousand other lines to burn red in your skin as you wonder if you're the only one she says it to?
How can something once so innocent and sweet
break down the walls you built up in your head
and cause you to take up residency underneath your sheets?

It's the one thing she never felt
and when you figured it out, you had already fell
it was too late and now you're on your bathroom floor and it smells like ****
and you're hoping your parents don't walk in, knowing you can't face them as you chase down your Zoloft with chemicals and pour them in the wounds that she cut into you
but you keep going on
hoping for a miracle
wondering if she'll feel something
wondering if you'll stop feeling
wondering if she even felt it in the first place
wondering why and how you even started in the first place

Breaking your heart
Never to be repeated
Impossible to deny
due to pink ribbon lines
made out of sight
More **** from when I was more depressed than I am now.
cringemaster Apr 2015
I haven't talked to you in so long, so long that you'd think I'd forget,
that I'd forget the times you could capture my heart with a glance
My heart, damaged and scarred like your cheek
the thing under your eye that you thought caught everyone else's
because you were too vain to realize that everyone was staring
not at your cheek that you were so ashamed of,
but rather your irises so piercing,
reminiscent of the battles you had fought so fiercely
though you'd been in too much pain to realize it was you who had brought those problems upon yourself,
And when into my life you emerged, your anger and resent snuck in too
You'd insisted you needed me, but I grew to need you
Addicted, I couldn't exist without the reciprocation of the love I gave to you,
you taught me to manifest my insides on the outside
For yet another six months I never could exist without scars on my wrist
I hid them, ashamed, like you hid your scars on your face
We connected so well for so long, up until you became ashamed of me as well,
leaving the both of us to wallow in memories and things that remind me of your songs

A game, you played me like a ******* game
You convinced me I was the key to the lock you chained around your own heart
I thought you were the answer to my questions; you turned to create more that I still ask myself today.
Why shouldn't I cease to breathe? Will I ever be good enough? How much do I need to change? Is the only way to change this terrible existence ending it?
I could "fall" off that bridge we used to walk on when I wanted to see you and you insisted you missed me, too
I could jump from the tree we sat under last summer, holding hands while we watched the waves
I could even drown myself in that very water, the last thing I smell being the thing we used to relish in
No I only relish in the thought of getting carried away,
carried away like you said you had when you kissed him
I'll do what I want, not what you want
I want this in the same way you wanted him
I guarantee you you'll believe me when I tell you I'm okay;
I'll put on a better acting performance than you did for all our time together.
This is the first time in so long that my decision is dictated not by you, but by me,
In death I have control, and in ceasing to be I feel release
Thank you for teaching me what it feels like to love and lose,
Now just teach me how to let go as easily as you let go of me
Alas, after all,
If you talk, I'll listen to you
Something dumb/sub-par I wrote after a break-up when I was suicidal and still emotionally dependent on an evidently undependable person. A lot has changed since I wrote this, and I wanted to post it to show how bad things were and how far I've come. I'm pretty happy to say I'm completely over what happened now and I have been since last year :)
  Apr 2015 cringemaster
r l
it's almost been a year

almost a year since I left my friends, my family, everything
almost a year since the first time I saw my dad cry
(it was when he dropped me off and said goodbye. I stood there cold like marble and didn't say a word)
almost a year since i stopped going to the gym, drinking gross things and supplements to try and rid myself of guilt, hiding everything, and so many other things to try and make myself less and less and less until I disappeared
almost a year since my life became an open book and i was no longer the main author

it's been almost a year since everything and from it I've barely gained anything except almost twice my age in pounds and some friendships that didn't last
ok super personal but this is a personal account sooooooooo **** it
cringemaster Dec 2014
For every molecule in the ever expanding universe,
(For every molecule of you that I wanted to burn like you burned my trust)
For every unit of energy converted,
(For every emotion converted from love lust to blood lust)
For every breath any living thing has ever taken,
(I wanted to cease the incessant sounds of the breaths you didn't deserve.)
For every second I looked at you,
(For every second I wasted on trying to focus my eyes hard enough so that my looks could burn)
Dreamed of you,
(Dreamed of your demise)
Hoped for you,
(Hoped for you to die)
I grew to fully and completely love you.
(I grew to fully and completely hate you)
All so suddenly.
All so suddenly
**I barely even noticed.
A poem for an old "friend". Read the normal text the first time through, then read the ones in italics the second time through.
cringemaster Dec 2014
I love it when I get to be close to you
I don't mind it, just the opposite, actually
you are petite, and cute, and beautiful, and no matter what size you were I'd still love you the same

I love the butterflies I get every time you hold my hand
please don't mind my scars either, or my weird veins that stick out so much for some reason
or my ****** up nails
or the sweat that forms on my hands because of our body heat that's trapped underneath your dad's fuzzy blanket you stole

I love your tinted-teal blonde hair
you could do your hair in any way and you would still be the prettiest thing I saw all day
and I love your fading hair, because it contrasts with my smile that never fades when I'm with you

I am fascinated by you, your eyes, your skin, and your heart
All I wanna say when I'm with you is "*******, you're amazing"
and I will never touch anything you don't want me to, but don't worry about your stomach or legs, all I worry about is your eyes, because they **** me into their hold like the tv shows you love to watch
I have a hypothesis that you have your own gravitational pull despite how small you are

Kissing you is a gift, God I'm really thankful for that
you should know you're great at this, you're making me so happy
maybe if I didn't like kissing your lips so much I would actually care how chapped they may be

God, I really freaking love you.
You have every chance of me loving you back, and I do.
So believe it, beautiful.
I love you with all of my heart.
A response to Becca's poem. I love you so much. You're perfection.
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