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There's a little
boy that hides in
the dark corners of
my soul.
He doesn't want to
be hurt anymore.
I spent eight years
with Beth.
For the most part,
it was hell and
constant pain.
She made nightmares
look good.
I heard the
little boy cry
late into the
silky night,
while snails got
smashed on the streets
of Ventura.

When I drank, which was often,
the little boy seemed
at peace for awhile,
while swans were
murdered in Venice,
and I tasted the ashes
of Neruda.
Years flew by
like seagulls;
and darting.
The little boy
continued to
hide in the
dark corners of my soul.

He wanted to
come out and be loved.
He was thirsty for it,
but there wasn't
any around.
It was dry, like the
deserts in hell.
It's too late for
sorries here comes
the plow.

He began to see
the pattern of life.
Some monsters walk in the light.
Vulnerability equals pain.
The little boy got mean.
And now he carries
a knife.
Here is a link to my latest poetry reading on you tube.

I read from both of my recently published books.
It's Just a Hop, Skip, and Jump to the Madhouse and Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, both available on
She sees and senses the extraordinary,
breathtaking realms—unseen, untouched,
revealing themselves through the
verses of a song.

Not just glimpses, but the true
magnificence bound to them,
as if they arrive in her presence,
spilling their essence,
wrapping her in their splendor.

Each place is a signature sensation.
Each space holds a code—a sacred mystery,
decoded through shifting tunes.

Flashes emerge, of places that never were,
yet have always been—
illuminated, ethereal, impossibly real.
He fed her with hands of plague,
and she embraced it with a heart
steeped in grace.
Falling sick, she wept—not from pain,
but in love.
Her feelings are primitive,
Her thoughts, inventive—
A soul born at the eclipse
of origin and dissolution,
unbound by existence,
indivisible by destruction.
I have been a raging fire.
I have been an overflowing cup,
Overflowing with guilt;
I wash it down the sink.
I have been too much for everyone:
Too bold,
Too shy,
Too lustful,
Too innocent.
I poured a bucket of ice on my head
To simmer me down a little bit,
And now that I am freezing,
And I cannot feel the fire no more,
I have met you, the blaze.
And your warmth was burning off my skin,
And it was melting my face off,
And it was too much.
Far too much.
You have given me light and burning warmth,
But I cannot handle the smoke.
I now know how he felt.
I am choking,
So I have left.
I will be too little and too much on my own.
I do not need a spark to jolt me.
.... . / ... .- .. -.. / - .... .- - / - .... . -.-- / .-- . .-. . / .- .-.. .-.. / -- .- -.. / .- - / -- . .-.-.-
In every moment I exist, I miss you,
And for some reason, I feel you miss me too.
I'm tired of the ordinary,
With you, my bed becomes our sanctuary.

I hope one day you give our future a chance.
In all my dreams, you are the only one I dance.
Even the angels high in the clouds
Are jealous of the love that we have found.
She does not write to match
perception, nor tailor her words
to gain acceptance.

She pours out her raw essence—
Undiluted, unfiltered, never refined
for the sake of consumption.
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