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Rose Small Jul 2017
Depression gets harder when there's no help.
It gets worse, when those depressing thoughts turn into suicidal ones.
Rose Small Jul 2017
Love is like an addictive
Easy to get hooked on,
hard to let go.
Both calming and stressful,
it's a way to cope.
You can choose to
let it hurt you,
or you can
choose to allow it
to fill the empty void.
But either way,
love will find a way
to ******* up.
Whether it's a good way
a bad
Rose Small Jul 2017
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
I no longer
**** with you.
Rose Small Jul 2017
I'm tired of faking a smile
every time I see a recognizable face.
I can't pretend to be happy anymore.
Everyday is another race,
to survive life's difficult test.
Faking & acting gets so hard,
to the point where I just want to rest.
Rose Small Jul 2017
It's okay to be sad, and
it's okay to be happy.
Just don't force a person
to be one way or the other.
Rose Small Jul 2017
Do you ever stop and think,
'What does she want?'
It's even harder when they don't listen to you.

— The End —