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671 · Jul 2017
Being Someone Else
Rose Small Jul 2017
I'm tired of faking a smile
every time I see a recognizable face.
I can't pretend to be happy anymore.
Everyday is another race,
to survive life's difficult test.
Faking & acting gets so hard,
to the point where I just want to rest.
287 · Jul 2017
A Poem To My Ex
Rose Small Jul 2017
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
I no longer
**** with you.
264 · Jul 2017
A Nostalgic Drug
Rose Small Jul 2017
Love is like an addictive
Easy to get hooked on,
hard to let go.
Both calming and stressful,
it's a way to cope.
You can choose to
let it hurt you,
or you can
choose to allow it
to fill the empty void.
But either way,
love will find a way
to ******* up.
Whether it's a good way
a bad
260 · Jul 2017
Stop & Think
Rose Small Jul 2017
Do you ever stop and think,
'What does she want?'
It's even harder when they don't listen to you.
233 · Jul 2017
It's Okay
Rose Small Jul 2017
It's okay to be sad, and
it's okay to be happy.
Just don't force a person
to be one way or the other.
199 · Jul 2017
7 Word Story
Rose Small Jul 2017
Depression gets harder when there's no help.
It gets worse, when those depressing thoughts turn into suicidal ones.

— The End —