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 Mar 2020 The Black Beast
 Mar 2020 The Black Beast
the sun is gazing at me
though tried, but still on me
i look away
i run away
still, the sun is smiling at me
 Mar 2020 The Black Beast
memory is cruel
the way it just sits there
mocking you
as the simple familiarity brought back to me by the simple smell or gesture
the comfort that it brings,
and the heart drop i get once i remember what happened
but no matter,
i don't want to forget you
or the way we would laugh at the stupidest things
nor the inside jokes created
that we still find the courage to tell
something left behind not allowing us to truly forget

Are you out there?

Will you be here for me one day soon?

Will I be saved from this tidal wave of sadness?

Can you rinse away the uᴉɐd.
I might have been his pit stop
but I'm someones destination

I might have been one of his many
but I'm someones last and forever

I might have been a game to him
but I'm someones ride or die

I might have been just a star to him
but I'm someones universe

I might have been a toy to him
but I'm someones soulmate
Once upon a time in a land far away
there lived a boy
Who cried and cried
this boy was having a tough time
Because everyone he ever loved
Created by me on December 31st, 2019
Yup, that's it.
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