Seething with rage, as it consumes my mind.
Choking my thoughts, my physical form left behind.
A knife in my heart, it's emotional wave staining my skin.
These feelings fight me till my thoughts, body and soul have grown dim.
There is no rest from the pain, the agony is too impatient to wait.
These feelings leaving me at the foot of hell's gate.
Yet my thoughts and interactions continue to keep me sane, at least for now.
But, what is this feeling, and why is it that I feels these emotions forcing me to bow.
To a power I cannot see, a god by the name of Misery.
These dreaded murderous feelings, all but a true mystery.
It's not a game of clue, no questions will be answered, no one is to blame.
But you will always fall victim to your own shame.
And the more I think, the more I feel.
The more it continues, the more I lose what is real.
Till these emotions drain my life, the source of who I am.
And these feelings strangle me till I become one of the ******.