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Taylor Jul 2015
Still making the same mistakes.
Taylor Apr 2014
everytime i see you with her i die a little more.

every lie comes rushing back, about how she was "just a friend" and you "didn't even think she was attractive."

i despise you both.
I thought she respected me and I thought you were honest.
Taylor Apr 2014
i don't care if you're just commenting on the weather *don't talk to me.
Taylor Apr 2014
i just want to drink myself gone.
I feel like if I start drinking alcohol i'll become an alcoholic but I want it anyway
Taylor May 2014
please **** me.
Taylor Sep 2014
I can't help but wonder what I've done that was so wrong. To deserve a punishment as twisted as loving a boy who makes me so terribly, painfully sad...
Taylor May 2014
please just rip my heart out already.
Taylor Oct 2014
I just want to hold everyone so tight that all the broken pieces come back together, held by my quiet love for all people who fought their demons and survived.

But I can't catch myself. I can't hold every broken person in the world in my arms, and each one flays my skin with those shattered edges. I cannot keep myself together and I cannot hold your dreams up because my never-really-dreams are crushing me as it is. I cannot help you. I've given my blood and air and skin and every beat of my heart to someone who couldn't survive. And now they're living in my rib cage and the quiet parts of my head, and I don't know if I like it or not.
Taylor Sep 2014
I never really met you.

Sure, I saw pictures. Pictures and videos- we talked through Skype all the time, and my heart fluttered when watching a smile light your face up through the webcam.  Your blue eyes were large and looked like circles of sky, and your lips were full and soft-looking.

You said you had fat wrists.

You didn't.

Somewhere in the three years of constant contact, you know, I fell in love. We handed each other all of our secrets, our dreams and fears. And I fell more in love with you each day. Eventually, the words tumbled out of my mouth.

You said it made you happy. You wanted to be loved, I made you happy. But you didn't want to let yourself feel anything that deep. You said you were afraid. Afraid of your flaws, afraid you'd become your father. Afraid.

I loved you anyways.

You left. You said you needed to go on with your life and you needed to change. You said you couldn't be attached to me anymore, you said the feelings I caused were ruining you.

You came months later calling me love again, and I answered. But you confessed nothing could ever be like it was.

I was ecstatic to have you back, until I realized you were right. Nothing was the same. You were closed off, an icicle. You were not the boy I remembered, and your sky eyes became more like snow. I swear, they even looked paler.

The boy I fell in love with was dead. He's just a shell of himself that *I don't know how to fix.
Taylor Apr 2014
I can't breathe when I see this-

5th period and I want to die.
I can't breathe I can't live and I really don't want to
Taylor May 2014
Talk to me when you know how it feels to stop caring about rather or not you live or *die.
Taylor Sep 2014
Most people seem to remember the moment when their lives fell apart. Maybe someone left them, maybe someone died. Other people remember the trigger, maybe even the exact date.

I just recall waking up one morning and not caring about my life anymore.
Taylor May 2014
and if i stay the night with you, will it fix me?
Taylor Aug 2014
****, I've got little people living in my bones, running their electricity through my veins and eating my marrow and breathing my lung - oxygen and drinking my gastric acids and ****, this is what it's like for a star to die, to implode and become a black hole or millions and trillions of stardust particles floating around in the universe.
Taylor Jul 2014
you have hurt me for the last time.

*i'm ready to walk into the ocean, and never surface again.
Taylor Jul 2015
Inevitably returning so the sickness inside of me doesn't spill out into his ears and sneak into his brain. Poison from the wounds festering in my sad soul needs to be released, and I won't have it staining the person who has become heaven in a physical body.
Taylor Jul 2015
Pardon my silence. I've been gifting my words to one soul, and one soul alone. I'm incapable of the same magic for any other, and won't curse you all with failed attempts.
Taylor May 2015
I don't care about much of anything, but I could care about you, if you wanted me to...
Taylor Oct 2015
I don't want to write about how you're destroying me in ways I still didn't know I could break, but you are. I still won't say the words, the words make it real. If I say the words, I'll have to do something about it. I won't. I won't ever leave you.
Taylor May 2014
life and death have ceased to **matter to me.
all i care about is getting away from you.
Taylor Nov 2014
I'm 17.

I suffer from daily anxiety attacks. Sometimes up to six of them in one day. Thoughts of ending my life, of ending the constant torment, are what I have to think about to calm me down.

I have to convince myself that I'm going to **** myself almost nightly to save my life.

Tell me again how these are the best years of my life?
I'm sorry, ****, I'm sorry. This isn't appropriate and I know I'm not going to **** myself but during my attacks I have to convince myself I am or they could go on for hours. I love my cat far too much to end my life and I have nobody to talk to and just **** please help me
Taylor Aug 2014
I've been having nightmares for a week, and I don't want to go back to sleep.
Taylor Apr 2015
And now we're both bleeding, both monsters. This is what you've made me into, and you finally seem content with it. Maybe now you'll stay.
Taylor Aug 2014
You were my muse, babe. You made all that poetic **** come running out of my fingers, a waterfall of galaxy eyes and feathery hair and thin fingers and shy lips. A stream of false promises I almost believed in and outer space and the comets in your head, a slow trickle of something a lot like love that slowly thrummed in my heart and the glassy purity about you. You were like a song I could have listened to forever, a beautiful boy with a heartbeat like a hummingbird. It's really too bad you forgot me, because I didn't forget a moment of you.
Remember when we first met? I was in third grade, you were in second. You really liked skulls and you talked really fast, like you were in a rush, even when you weren't.
Taylor May 2014
someone make me whole again.
Taylor Jan 2015
Today, I showered with the water on as hot as it gets and scrubbed my skin with half a bottle of soap until the water turned ice cold, until my skin stung and ached. Then I scrubbed my scalp with shampoo until my fingers came away ******. I filled my sink with cold water and dunked my face in, before emptying it and brushing my teeth until my gums bled. I used listerine and held it in my mouth as it burned the open skin, until it became fizz and I spat it out and went back to the tub and sat there and scrubbed my skin with my damp washcloth until it was raw. I sat in that tub and shoved a towel in my face and screamed, screamed until I fell into coughing fits, spitting up blood and phlegm in my bathtub. I got out and screamed again until my voice quit. My throat feels cut, my skin feels burnt, my scalp bleeding into my wet hair. I'm sitting on my soaking wet bathroom floor, head pressed to the wall, fingers red and peeling from destroying razors, eyes swollen from hours of tears. I don't know what to do. The past I fight so hard against holds me down, my reflex to cringe upon human contact, despite my efforts to ignore it, to take myself back. I do not want to move again. I want to die on my bathroom floor, cold tile on destroyed flesh, hair dripping red-tinged water. I want to die here in these puddles of lost innocence, of the greed of the world that was taken out on a girl who isn't even out of highschool. I want to die here in this room where I tried to rip away the sins of others, left on my flesh. I want to die here. I want to die.
Taylor Nov 2014
You want to kiss some guy, and I can't bring myself to care. This just tells me that I don't love you, and I probably won't be able to. Sorry. I hope you had a good time.
Taylor Nov 2014
I think I may take up smoking. And drinking. And possibly drugs. And everything else that will **** me, that will let me go. I will go outside during a blizzard and lay in the snow and wait. I will get so high I think I can fly and jump out a ******* window. I don't care. Just let me go. I can't feel my heart and I can't feel my legs and my fingers are red and I don't know what to think about, except eyes that are so blue they can't even be real.
Walks in the dark do this to me. I need to get into a better frame of mind.
Taylor Sep 2014
When you don't love me anymore, put the gun to my temple and pull the trigger.

And if you ever loved me at all, shoot yourself next.
Taylor Aug 2014
When I saw you for the first time, you were sitting in the grass at a school game. Your head was thrown back in laughter and you were with my friends. I joined you. You made obscene commentary and threw your hair out of your eyes, crawling like a sensual tiger towards your boyfriend, jumping into his arms, eyes on fire. It was the only moment I looked away from you all night. I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. You thought I was too beautiful and you hated me. You didn't want him to look at me. You wanted to crush my skull and hide him under your bed. It made me love you ten times more. He was a fleeting moment in your life. I watched your heart die again and again. One day you latched onto me and kissed me like I was the only thing keeping you breathing. You were the only thing keeping me breathing. You kept saying "mine" and I knew I was never getting my heart back, even after you crushed it again and again. Never died. I dragged my way from the heavenly hell that was your arms and took the remains of my heart with me. I have found someone else. Please stop acting like I broke your heart.
Taylor Mar 2015
You only want the pain my love brings, not the actual love. You want me to hurt you, to scar you, to damage you in every possible way. You smile when I tell you I love you because it means I won't ever leave, not because you genuinely want to be loved somewhere deep inside. You know that I'll rip you apart because you like it, you know that you can tear me up too and I'll take it and I'll love it because it's you. Because we're both sick, sadomasochistic people in every sense of the word, and we'll destroy each other and savor every moment, even though it destroys something inside of me that wants to stroke your hair and kiss your forehead and make you feel loved. The part of me that sings when I'm taking care of the mess I made of you, the part that blossoms when I tell you you're beautiful and you blush.
And then there's the monster you grew inside of me. The one that would rather ******* eat you than let you go. The one that screams and howls when you mention your last mistress, the one that wants to devour your heart and keep your soul in my ribcage. The one that aches because you only want me to own you when it hurts.

All of me aches, because you only want me when it'll hurt.
Taylor Jan 2015
I still stick around you, even when you're a *******, because I remember when you weren't. I remember the time I went to hug you and I ended up falling into your lap and the surprise, the soft chuckles, the bad jokes. I remember the time I was drawing on your pizza box and you were opening up to me and I turned and looked at you and told you I thought you were great, I remember the way you smiled perfectly, how open your eyes were. I remember when we were having an embarrassingly personal conversation in a public place and we pinky promised and you held my pinky with yours, even after the promise bit ended. And I remember when you said you missed me and how it made my chest feel, wrenching because I miss you, too, I miss you...My chest hurts now knowing things will never be the same, that we'll probably never be close again. But I still stay near you, because I remember what was.
Taylor Apr 2014
i wished on stars and 11:11's but every star is long dead and my clock must be as broken as my mind.
Because my wish never came true
Taylor Apr 2014
and everytime the pain hits, i reach for pen/paper/keyboard like a ****** addict does a needle.

because poetry is my drug, and i hopelessly need the fix.
The relief it brings is like an addict on withdraw feeling another hit
Taylor Apr 2014
You ruined me and now you are ruining my poetry, stomping your way onto every line and using the only thing I ever found comfort in as a way to twist the knives within my back and heart.
Writing was my only solace and now you've destroyed that too
Taylor Jan 2015
So for the record, I ******* love you. I love the way you smile and the way you laugh. And how there's life to you, something so softly, yet unmistakably alive. You bring out the best in me and you're the whole sky, like I said before. I'd be happy just sleeping next to you for one night, but forever is the dream. I love the look in your eyes when you're talking about something you like. I want....I want to stay with you forever. I'm just afraid forever is too much to ask. I'm afraid you'll change your mind or disappear. I'm afraid you'll walk away. I'm afraid you'll leave me alone. I'm afraid because I love you in a way that eats me alive, but you probably don't feel the same.
Taylor Apr 2014
The brilliant blue of the sky today made me think of the color of your eyes in the bright light coming through your car windows, and how she was right next to you driving, blissfully unaware that you were torturing me with pictures of your face.
Please stop ruining me.
Taylor Jan 2015
Marly. Just Melz. Kiyuki Ishida. Unwanted. Sye. Ally. Just a few of the people that have helped me, both in the beginning and recently. Who helped me when I had no place to turn to and no hope. Who gave me numbers to call for help and support lines when I needed them. People I am forever grateful to.
Sorry if I missed anyone. Everyone on this site is awesome though.
Taylor Aug 2014
For all extents and purposes, you were a skinny boy with long eyelashes that should have been forgotten immediately. Except that you weren't. You hung around in my head for months, and you're still hanging around in there. Making pure poetry it seems, since writing about you and holding you are the only things that satiate my need, and holding you isn't really an option anymore.
Taylor Aug 2014
I love you and I can honestly say that I want you forever. I want to sleep next to you every night and wake up to you every morning, to hold your hand and kiss the lips that make me feel invincible. I want to trace my fingertips over your cheekbones and down your jawline, to run my fingers through your hair and hold you so close I can feel your heart beating with mine. I want to tangle our bodies together and get lost in the sound of your breathing. I want to make you laugh and I want to feel your smile when we kiss, to curl up on your chest and tell you that you are my sea, my sky, my solar system. I just want you to stay, please. Please stay.

— The End —