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Cloaked by the veil of night I ready myself for what is to come. Fear is not recognized on this side
of the shroud, for it is this fear that is my most useful and treasured tool.
Footsteps approach the alleyway, I see my target pace forward towards his end, illuminated most
benevolently by the blush of his own burning cigarette end.
In his own world he lays claim to control and intimidation, a brave and dangerous man by his own
words. Words I shall later configure to be truth or allegory.
It is a simple matter to terrify someone prone to be terrified, is a different course to set the same
action upon he who does usually initiate the afor-mentioned phrase.
As the victim looks up into the eyes of this purveyor of violence I suspect it true that fear is well
presented to his visual inspection and it goes without saying it adds to his delight.
I imagine in other venues the same is said of myself but I would very much disagree with this
evaluation. Fear, Intimidation is not what I represent, they are just tools in an arsenal, I am just
simply here to reek good old honest revenge..
You do the deed, you pay the price, Simple as that. No forgiveness passes through this alley-way
this night, just utter, complete and total retribution. A gift from me to all those whom have been
As you walk through the valley of the shadow of death you will indeed fear evil, for I art with thee
and this rod of correction is indeed not one of comfort
The scatter of burnt ash bouncing off the alley wall signifies the conclusion of any remaining
illumination as he throws the **** of his cigarette away, darkness prevails once again.
As I strike, screams of pain shatter the silence and echo through the narrow passageway. The
****** body of this victim slumps unceremoniously alongside garbage bags, a fitting end for such
True and honest folk can breathe a sigh of relief, to them I am vigilant. If you swing the other way
however, BEWARE.
My attention goes back as I reflect on the life I once had. I mean, I was no angel but I don't think that I deserved to die in such circumstance. I followed her like the fool I am, no thought of anything other than ****** gratification. Yes! I can place the prognosis of my death into four little letters, L.U.S.T.

With enthusiastic abandonment I created my own demise, everything that I once had is lost: My family, friendships, career prospects and my life, and all because I followed the stirrings of my manhood rather than one of common sense.

I miss all of the ingredients that were my past and travel a new time of darkness in a world that is embellished by the night. I will never again view the wonder of the rising sun, unable to walk into the light of the earth like I once did. I am a chained animal that is no longer able to roam with my own kind lest I should feel the inclination to feast off their flesh and blood like a cannibalistic predator.
I am a Vampire.

I can not imagine tearing at the cadaver of my fellow human beings, such idea's bring me to the brink of agonizing sickness in my mind but although I am no longer in the realm of the living I am fully aware that this is the course I must take to ensure my own survival. Knowing full well that when I cross this threshold that my humanity will surely be gone forever. I will then be as those with whom I acknowledge as beasts of the night.

I will not, however leave them to walk my path, they will be incapable of returning into the night as have I. I know that to feed is something that I must do so I have made a decision that, although it  goes against the will of God and man, in some little way It will be meagre attempt at some kind of righteousness.

My prey is close bye and from above I can feel the sins that scream out of his soul. I do not know how it should be that I can see the despicable acts that this man has done but I surely can. I must **** to feed my thirst but if this be the case then I will choose only those of abhorrent character to feast upon. At least I can guarantee that my sins will in resolve to help those of tormented mind. I shall see this as my own form of retribution for those whom may have suffered at the hands of my meal.

I tear his throat viciously and with aim to cause pain. Each screaming moment that he lives will be a tribute to the young life that he did disfigure. I will revenge those who cannot avenge themselves. I will be the first Vampire Vigilante and thus attempt to make the world a better place. Blood spatters every surrounding surface. This man will never hurt anyone else ever again.

Violation is the game this evening.
20th July 2014
KarmaPolice Apr 2014
You can only question,
The methods above,
When they take the soul,
Of someone you love,

When criminal's live,
To repeat each breath,
Spreading all fear,
Avoiding death,

We mourn the past,
Robbed of our time,
A happy future,
Tortured by crime,

We pray in vain,
To bring them back,
Your silent response,
The comfort you lack,

Grief eats me alive,
As anger resides,
Vengeance is real,
Life for a life,

No remorse,
For my actions taken,
A son of no cross,
Forever forsaken.

— The End —