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À ces âmes qui rendent nos sourires plus beaux,
À ces amitiés qui se tissent au fil du temps et résistent aux tempêtes,
Tempêtes qui emportent souvenirs et précieux moments,
Que je suis reconnaissante de vous avoir dans ma vie,
Oh vous, mes plus belles.


To those souls who make our smiles brighter,
To those friendships who grow with time and stand storms,
Storms that carry away memories and precious moments,
How grateful I am to have you in my life,
Oh, you, my most beautiful souls âmes.
A special poem for people I've known longer than I know life. I love you, beautiful âmes.21.02.24
Rachiel Mar 2019
Deep long breath,
Freshly brewed coffee,
Scriptural versus for the soul,
Sweat session on the yoga mat,
You got this day!!!!!
Some days are difficult to start and some are difficult even before the previous night. Whoever is reading this or looking for some motivation, you got this day!!!! Sometimes you just need to get the morning right.
Confidence is found from self-awareness,
The more you discover yourself,
The more love you devote to your self-worth.

— The End —