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I had a daily thing to do,
Which hardest to recall,
To consummate the spider
It took a year to fall.

Her webs had hurled the ceiling,
Another one, she caught!
And gave it for the children
When sustenance has brought.  

Denel Kessler Feb 2016
hungry ghost
trembling hands
forever seeking
that which does not

for the golden
empty bowl
offerings laid
on the morning altar
until there is
no barrier

giver and receiver
giving and receiving
without end
that which circles
becomes eternal

all is but illusion
we remain
released from suffering
what was fractured
in wholeness
will be found.
S R Mats Apr 2015
(In a letter to his wife,  Wallace Stevens, confided that writing was "absurd" as well as fulfilling.  What of reading the write?)
What makes you read on?  Exquisite words?  Or
Exquisite thoughts?  Ah, exquisite words forming
Exquisite thoughts.  At times so beauteous as to be
Painful!  Meter clipping along, tremulous tones trilling,
Making the reader thrill in the "Ah, yes!" moment.
Writing poetry is absurd, if you think about it.  
An absurdity bore of necessity.  
The reading, a veracious devouring
Of sustenance.  The substance of souls poured out.
The Unknown Aug 2014
I’ve eaten food yes now my stomach’s full
But why is that irrelevant to this
great hunger in my soul? oh how it pulls
What type of sustenance could I have missed?

Not food not water, no, not great success
not recognition, nay, I have this all
And yet there is some more, I must confess
the possibility that I might fall

So try I might to write a sonnet now
But such is not the will of my sweet soul
I woke at night still thinking wond’ring how
tomorrow I would go achieve my goal

And lo! I painted such a masterpiece
I am content, my soul is now at peace

— The End —