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"No one chooses who they fall in love with, just like nobody chooses when to fall over, but even if no one is there to catch you, you're going to have to get over the fall someday, even if not today or this week, but someday, and whilst you might be a little hurt, even pain goes away someday, and there will always be more falls and more pain, but we'll just have to let life take us to them".

Karl Franssen
“I think that just about everyone hides behind a mask, puts on a brave face or wears a façade.
And everyone knows that someday they will have to remove the mask and face the real world, and the sooner the mask is removed the easier it will be to re-adapt to our real lives.
But it's not always as easy as just removing the mask if we have lost ourselves, we need to re-find our lost souls and embrace the real life.
Only then will the masks fall off.”

Karl Franssen
"You can lie about anything you want, but don't mess with the heart".

Karl Franssen
"I believe that the only stupid people are those that feel the need to call others stupid."

Karl Franssen
"Never rule out the ridiculous possibilities, because if you do then you're unprepared."

Karl Franssen
"Songs are like words, I know of a lot of them but that doesn't mean I know what they all mean".

Karl Franssen
"I'm not crazy, I wish I was crazy, crazy people get to have all the fun, that's why people lock them up, to stop them from having too much fun."

Karl Franssen
I absolutely love the mad, and I'm so jealous of them, because they get to see the world in a way that's different to how others see it.

— The End —