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Tiphane Moraa Jul 2023
I am a lady with a high ****** drive
but I want intimacy not ***
I want my mind  to be stimulated
And soul touched before I open my thighs
I want your hand touching my soul and your fingers unclipping my bra
I want you to get under my skin and yet
been clueless of how your thoughts desire to play with me
I want you to own my mind body and soul without ******* me

I want you to lay me on your sheets like the way you rest your hand on a blank page
I want your kisses to remind me of slices of lemon drizzled with honey
I want you to stimulate me with your intellect which will instantly arouse me
I want your fingers to touch my soul before doing an art of work inside me

I want my heart to tell me about my lovers passion, desires and everything that makes him alive
I want to get lost in your eyes
I want an alpa male
I am too passionate to waste my energy over someone only lusting over my skin
A cry for true love
Jayne E Jan 2020
Honeyed Love...

In your loving arms I can finally be
loved true loved deep and set free
from a past scarred deep by mistrust
took my love and he eroded it to dust

Here in your sweet loving embrace
as you set my heart to sing & race
your love flows over me like honey
turning my dark days to warm sunny

Within these short and simple lines
my hope is you'll pickup on my signs
tho' not sophisticated nor contrived
they signal my true love has arrived

Yes, my style is usually to embellish
but darling I want simply to relish
be immersed in your love so very good
finally love feels just as love should

off my body the clothes please rip
fingers & tongue do tantalisingly trip
finding my mouth, neck, belly, my ***
as all my senses you set to perplex

the lost key to my enigma machine
secret code you know what I mean
you unlocked unbroke my caged heart
how you love sets your love apart

I'd given up on finding love again
you are the soothe that let love in
I am ruined now for any other one
I am yours alone 'til all our days are done

It's true love,
our love true
has truly  won
honey love
you are
my one true one.

© J.C.
A little more 'simple' in structure and vocabulary than how I usually write, but when the feelings that are so deep and pure,  it just seemed right...
Akhil Bhadwal Dec 2019
I love you my love,
And I will, all my life

I think of you my love,
Like a hubby for his wife

I want you my love,
For all of my life

We're in love,
So I'll hug you tight,
We'll be together forever my love
Like night and day, day and night
After a long time...
Love strikes again but like never before
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
There was just something
so deeply enamoring,
that you could not only
see it in her existence,
but you can
feel it in her eyes
as well.
That it did not matter
what anyone
or believed about them.
That all that it only mattered
was what they had-
and that was love.
There were no need
for words,
they understood each other
fluently with just one look.
And with just one look,
serenity soothed their
soul, mind, and heart.
But he-
he only saw her for how
she truly was:
Glorious, radiant, spectacular,
and absolutely perfect

because his perception
of women did not limited
his sight.
He, as a man,
understood quite well
that he had the
responsibility and duty
to assure his woman,
to make her feel,
to make her sense,
that he was not just
but intrigued,
in her.
That he was in search
for the depth
of her inner beauty
to the point that it
all her flaws,
her insecurities,
her fears,
and spark this
wild passion
within her
to want to give her
entire devotion to him.
That she could release
her mind, body and soul.
Entregarse ella misma
so passionately,
so eternally,
to just him and only him.
That she could release
all that beauty that she kept
hidden away.
To finally let someone love
her just for the way she is-
as flawed as she was,
as unattractive as she
sometimes felt,
and as unaccomplished
as she thought she was.
To believe that she had to hide
all the parts
of her that were broken,
out of fear
that someone else was
incapable of loving
what was less than perfect.
How two minds became
infixed with raw love
and tender affection.
Believing that the body
if his woman
was what God promised-
How it should be touched,
how it should be explored
with a rose;
his love.
Caressing her flesh
as though the rose itself
were the wing
of an angel.
He understood
how his woman
should be touched.
Tell me what you think :)

— The End —