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AJ Fredrickson Apr 2016
I’ve felt this way for months
The sky has been crying since
I often wonder if it sees me suffering?
If it’s nature trying to console me?
That’s crazy, I know
But I still can’t help but wonder
Every time I start to cry, I mean really cry, it starts to pour
When my spirits start to lift, the weather soon does after
The sky has been grey for at least 3 days now
It’s beautiful
It reminds me of home
I feel safe in the darkness
So I let it swallow me whole
Enveloping me until there is nothing left but black
This is my sanctuary
This is how I escape
This is how I will make it out alive
This is how I become sane
Or is this how I become insane?
I never could tell the difference
What’s the difference between pain and love?
There’s a fine line
With just one stumble, you could fall out of one and into the other
Good or bad?
Right or wrong?
Easy or hard?
These simple questions hold a multitude of different answers
They have millions of questions inside them
Three simple words
That’s it
Three simple words are so easy to say
They hold so much meaning
They get used too easily
Easy or hard?
Easy or hard?
Which would you choose?
With the easy road, it never gets fixed
It never gets resolved
It could possibly end it all
The hard road is filled with struggle
It’s filled with sacrifices and pain
But it’s worth it if you can get there
Which would you choose?
Do you know the answer?
What if you walked that hard road, but they went the easy way?
Right or wrong?
Right or wrong?
Is it right that they do wrong?
Are you right?
What if you’re wrong?
What if you took the easy way thinking it was the hard way?
How do you know the difference?
How do you keep sane?
Left, no right?
Right again!
Left, Left, Left.
Search inside, find your moral high ground
Good or bad?
Bad or Good?
Do you know?
What do you stand for?
Keep searching
Unlock that door
Find the key
Find the key
Break it down if you have to
Over there!
The answers you’ve been searching for!
Crack the code
Crack the code
What if I can’t crack the code?
Was this all a waste?
Was this not the hard road?
Slipping, slipping, slipping
Psychosis is sinking in
She is my best friend
Coddling me like a child when I can no longer stand on my own
Sinking in, deeper and deeper
So much black
She is my only friend
She speaks to me silently, but from where I can not tell
Who’s that?
Who’s there?
Yes, I hear you!
I understand
Thank you
It’s good to not be alone
AJ Fredrickson Apr 2016
I don’t know what we are now
I just know it’s not what it was
I fear that you don’t want to change
I fear you can’t see through my flaws
There are so many thoughts running through my head
It’s hard to keep track of what is real and what is not
I feel like I’ve been side swiped
You were hiding in my blind spot
Fragments of memories scattered all over the floor
Picture perfect memories, that don’t seem so perfect anymore
I dream of you when I’m not asleep
I dream of what could be
I’m at a loss for words now
This wasn’t anything I could foresee
What do you say, when you have said it all before?
I’m running out of breath
What do you say when no one’s listening anymore?
This silence is making me deaf
I’m unlocking all of the secrets
The door is open now
I’m just hoping we can make it through
But these trespasses, I can’t allow
I know I’ve made my fair share of mistakes
But I feel I am doing my part
I feel like nothing I do will ever change this
I fear it might be too late to restart
I know that is not what I want
I know what I want is you
But I’m afraid that you are unavailable
I fear there is nothing more I can do
It’s hard to feel so helpless…
It’s hard to feel so powerless and alone
We’re at a crossroad now
And it’s up to you to find your way home
I’ll be waiting here patiently
But I can’t wait forever
I will help you anyway that I can
I know if we try, we can make it through this endeavor
I’ve seen you at your worst and loved you through it all
My love for you is unconditional
But I can’t get past your wall
This wall you’ve put up is putting a barrier between us
It is keeping us apart
I can’t get in if you don’t take it down
We can never have a fresh start
The lying has to stop
It isn’t doing anyone any good
I know that you are just afraid
Afraid of being misunderstood
I understand where you are coming from
But you never know until you try
You break my heart a little more
Everytime you lie
I know that it will take time
But my heart will one day heal
This situation has caught me off guard
The whole thing is just so surreal
I’m going through the motions
I’m trying to find my way
I’m trying to read your morse code
But the message, you won’t convey
I need you to talk to me
I need to know the real you
I need you to be honest with me
It’s the least that you could do…
AJ Fredrickson Apr 2016
When the sun goes down and everything gets quiet
The slideshow begins to play
A flashbulb memory of you dancing wildly around the piles of decay
Forever tormenting me and feeding on any bit of happiness that dares to shine through
Shining a light on you kissing her, and me kissing you…
I feel so disgusting…
I feel so used…
I feel so worthless…
It feels as though all of the love I ever gave you was abused…
The light burns my eyes
I’ve been in the dark so long
It hurts even more now that I know this has been going on all along
Did I ever mean anything to you?
Did you ever really care?
Or was I just there to fill the space?
I ask these questions, but the answers I can’t bare…
So many nights spent alone, pining for your love
Looking for just a small shimmer of hope…
Or just one kind word from you to think of…
I don’t have the heart to tell you everything…
What I did while you were gone
Sitting in the dark alone…
Praying not to make it to dawn
I keep these thoughts to myself…
It would only break your heart
After all this is our chance to make it better
This is our fresh start
Still, it eats at me everyday…
Every hour, and every second
I have to wonder if what you say is true
I have to wonder if you really meant it
Are you really ready to come home?
Or was I what you settle for?
Did you come back because you wanted to?
Or did you come back because she wasn’t an option anymore?
How will you deal with temptation?
Will you do it again?
Can we put this all behind us?
Can our hearts ever mend?
Will you make it to the top?
Or is the mountain of guilt too high to climb?
Should I try to move forward with you?
Or am I just biding time?
I’m just waiting for the hurricane to swoop in…
For it to take everything I ever cared for
Leaving me alone again…
I can’t watch you walk out that door anymore…
You are always leaving…
Leaving me behind
Your words forever haunt me
They never leave my mind…
Why would you do this to me?
Why didn’t you offer me mercy before now?
I hate what happened to us…
I want to move forward, but I don’t know how…
I don’t know how to live with everything you have done
Every broken promise ever made
Every lie you have ever spun
How do you come back from that?
How do you crawl out from the debris?
How do you forgive these trespasses?
How do you forgive adultery?
AJ Fredrickson Apr 2016
The sun was shining that day, on that fateful afternoon
A perfect specimen of green and flowers full in bloom
Walk the path to the other side, to the forest dark and dreary
Along the pond of empty souls, who scream of horrific pain and furry
They will tell you the story of that fateful afternoon
The one where the life of an innocent ended way too soon
Hand in hand with a lover, eyes covered for surprise
She drunkenly stumbled over twigs and the thickness of her lies
To the middle of the darkness, where no one could hear a sound
She knew it would be years, if ever, before her body would be found
She sat her down on a stump and tied her hands and feet
Than whispered in her ear the secrets of her lies and deceit
She told her in unimaginable detail what she had been up to
The last year and a half of their relationship
All the other women and the *****
She told her how she did it in their bed with her fast asleep right by their side
Then cut a deep straight line from her rib cage to her lower intestine
She then proceeded to continue with her story, as she stitched her back together
How she had been ******* her best friend when she had said she’d stay forever
She then walked over to her bag and dug out another knife
She had no intention of quickly ending her life
She started with her back
She ran the blade straight down
Then laughed menacingly as her skin and blood fell to the ground
She tried to scream but all that came was a small yelp
A tiny little innocent thing begging for someone’s help
Through the bushes came a woman, followed by another over time
They all came to watch her end it
To play their part in the crime
To cut her up piece by piece and put on a show
Naked, ****** and bare she rose for one last blow
As she dug her hand into her chest, her love for her grew founder
She squeezed her heart as tight as she could
Until it pumped no longer
Then left her on the ground to be picked apart
She took what was left of her love, when she ripped out her heart
So as the years passed by and her hatred for humanity grew
She took on the shape of the forest killing anyone who came through
Collecting their souls in the pond filled with her blood
Hiding their bodies in the deep and filthy mud
They are the ones who speak to you of this tragedy ever so true
Be careful not to listen to long though…
Because they will come for you.
AJ Fredrickson Apr 2016
They say I have a melancholy cloud around me.
They say they see the teeth marks that it leaves, the blue marks around my neck, the black marks around my eyes.
But I don’t mind.
Wounds heal in good time, on the outside at least.
So I tuck my cloud in deeper so that they cannot see this darkness that is becoming me.
It's amazing the things we write about when we think no one is listening.
AJ Fredrickson Apr 2016
There's this pain inside of me, much worse than my mother ever warned me about.
It’s the kind of hurt that leaves you sick to your stomach, paralyzed from the neck down.
I feel it becoming a part of me.
Every time I think it's lost my trail it sideswipes me, knocking me to the ground, bruising my knees.
I fear no matter how far I run I'll never shake this feeling.
That gut wrenching ache.
That devastating realization that no matter how hard I pretend, I am not okay.

— The End —