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Clary Feb 2018
I see how fast the days are passing by,
as there’s so much that’s been on my mind,
soon I’ll be sixteen, eighteen, then twenty,
with a mind so clueless of where to be.

I may be just fourteen,
but it really concerns me,
everyone asks how I’ll be,
in my upcoming twenties.

I’ll have to be educated,
find a job that suits me,
one that also pays off well,
then a happy healthy family.

“Keep your eyes wide open
for a bright future ahead,
do not disappoint us”,
my parents said.

I’ve been questioned so many times
that I am now so worried,
soon I’ll be sixteen, eighteen, then twenty,
with a mind so clueless of where to be.
Go with the flow.
Hillaryy Jul 2015
Every time I zoned out of  reality, I started to overthink. It was just a bunch on nonsense and profanity going through my head. But, I felt as if it was important to keep thinking about those thoughts because no one else really seemed to think about them too much. If I thought too much, however, I felt depression harmonizing with my veins and intoxicating me slowly.

And it was a ****** feeling.

I've also come to realize that most of these ****** feelings have no original beginnings, they just create themselves. And oh how ineffable it feels. To feel so much -- too many -- and not have a single answer to these nefarious emotions.
[I'm still retouching this poem a bit to improve. Thank you for reading loves.]

— The End —