tell me, in a gunfight, what is the probability of two bullets being fired at once? (2/6, i know, i calculated)
because i still capitalize the g in God, and i still pray every night for...
the chance that i'll stop loving you (the chance that one day you'll turn around and see me there, waiting for you)
and, in a gunfight, what is the probability of two bullets colliding (i already know- i just wanted to hear your voice)
my knees are sore, and this carpet is itchy but i still have 6 Hail Marys left and i still miss you more than anything
275,000,000- that's how many stars die in a day / that's also how many stars are born in a day isn't that cool? i looked it up just for you
i'm finished all my prayers, my knees are still sore, i climb into bed, my heart still aches, i turn off the lights.
this is for leo, my shining star