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neth jones Oct 2022
draking death    features and tones
no lust lost
in oceans we toss
man only   of our presence to be
included rudely
at the suggestion of the wet nurse
thirsty in linen
uniform beds her words


long as ever is
in the business of breath
methods of incubation
amorated swells in the pattern
batten the flourish of our human ilk
for the journey would calm
our raving losses
       and punctuations of breeding

draking death   features and torso
no lust lost     (in oceans we toss)
fusing mastication of thought;                                
                                    our insistence to stagnate
long as ever is
         in this business of breath

methods of incubation
amorated swells in the pattern
but 'no'                                        
               we'd best batten the milky flourish
                                            of our human ilk
       the journey of the species would calm
(room temperature warm)
                       and ripple till taut   a mood of silk
if we only retain our broths skin

or perhaps      our raving losses
       and punctuations of breeding
could cattle on ?
included rudely
at the crude suggestion of the head wet nurse
thirsty   in her pressed linen
white hearse
uniform beds     her nourishing oration
a stern laboratory condition
is upheld

                               - dress us
                                             for the feed
A true
Banana Republican
he claims
fraudulent results
due to
American intervention
New Zealand culture,
a fragility,
tainted by violence.

Writers have examined,
the loss of Maori land.
Less common however,
is writing concerned with
the benefits,
accruing to white people
as a result of the acquisition
of this land.

Colonisation has provided,
Economic and social advantages,
to white people,
in contemporary New Zealand.

A hierarchy,
white Western culture,
sitting uncontested,
at its pinnacle.

The cultural capital that whiteness provides.
Unearned advantages at our disposal.
Live our lives with greater ease:
The ‘Justice’ System.
Institutional privilege.
A political separation.

The white New Zealand system,
designed for whites.
To get through school,
have good health,
get jobs,
get a little justice.
If the system was designed,
for Maori people
it would not be the way it is now.

Overrepresentation of Maori,
in every
New Zealand
social statistic.

The persistence of *******.
Society provides greater opportunities,
to white people,
by disadvantaging those who are not.
debilitating, racism.

Being oblivious,
sustains a belief,
in white superiority.

While factors:
socioeconomic status, gender,
sexuality, disability,
may impact the degree to which,
individual white people,
can access privilege.
On some level,
every white person,
in New Zealand
benefits from their skin.
Maori are made fun of for being benefit users. The title is a pun given all the benefits white people get.

Also this was a found poem from the academic article White Privilege: Exploring the (in)visibility of Pakeha whiteness by Claire Frances Gray.
SassyJ Mar 2016
As I sit on this assigned desk
ears drooling with institution gel
I swirl on the seat, the wind pause
Musing in evangelised dilemmas

Lobotomised to jerking veracities
Sagacity amateurs boost egos
Stooping and stooging in asylums
Barricading others progression

Regressed losing solid grounds
Jurisdictional custodial supervisions
An infused scent of propagandism
Scenes of robotic observational modelling

Unprincipled to insist on another destiny
Calculating targeted risked predictions
Regulated to invigilate and unroll a matrix grid
Who am I? To forge his,her or their trench

— The End —