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Sammy Ann Mar 2015
For so long we've been dating
Yet you continue again and again to save me.
2 long years and you still rescue me in times of pain
After losing my Grandma
You were there for me
And I know I've told you countless times before
How much you mean to me
And how thankful I am for the things you've helped me with
But you just make me so happy
It's impossible for me to be sad around you
You're so easy to talk to
And so gosh **** cute
You've become my bestest friend
You became my sunshine
when it was so rainy for so long in my world.
When everything seemed to be falling apart,
You saved me.
Belle Victoria Feb 2015
I might get a bit drunker when I am around you.
drinking away the shame and nerves is what I am made of these days.
more ***** than water in my blood.

I woke up this morning looking at the sun, being greatfull for living.
sometimes Im thinking about never going home again, but I aint leaving you.
my ego always was bigger than my heart. but that didnt stop me from loving you.

putting your favorite song on repeat is like drowing in your favorite drink.
after a while the taste is gone and it makes you want to jump of a bridge.
doing things you would have never done in real life, but it made you feel alive.

its really not that bad keeping your life a secret.
sometimes my head is full with things I could never explain.

— The End —