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Kath Feb 2017
I think it's important to to document who comes in and out of your life. Some people can swear away their enemies and say they were a waste of time, but I don't think a single thing i do is a waste of time. That's life, it keeps moving and people will flood in and out. The greatest thing about that is the experience. If it was wrong then you learn and if it was right then you learn. Life happens, people adapt different schedules, they grow at their own pace, they shape their lives differently and that's okay. You have to accept that, yes, I could know this person until I die or they will just be another lesson I learned. Enjoy them while you have them, take full advantage. Stay up all night talking to them, take pictures every time you see them, be present. The best thing is to stay in the moment, to not think how one day it won't be exactly how it is anymore. Just live and make unforgettable memories.

Jude kyrie Nov 2015
She found him outside her small flat
he was in the bloom of the old lamplight.
she noticed the grey flecks in his beautiful eyes.
he whispered softly like honey falling from a spoon.
She flashed her prettiest smile
And tossed her hair back like she used to.
You look as beautiful as I remember.
She looked at him for some small signal of remorse
but she could not see it.
He wanted her
she felt his need even in the cold night air.
There’s a hole in my existence he said.
His mouth almost smiling.
The smile that had her undress
for him a thousand times.
Why me?
I was never enough before she retorted.
Wanting to hurt him as badly as he had hurt her.
I did not know I loved you
until you were not there he said.
A sadness glowed in his eyes.
And if you remember
it was you that left me.
Why did you leave? He asked
Because you never asked me to stay
she said quietly.
I am asking now he  answered.
She let him into her flat
They undressed and made love.
When she awoke she heard
the click of her door as he left her.
She knew her heart would ache
Just as it had before.
And she knew he would be back again.
And she would let him in once more.

— The End —