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EA Mar 2021
I thought
Ill stop hoping
But no, I still do

But this time, you dont know
EA Mar 2021
Even small things
Remind me of him
Can't delete these pics on my gallery, can't change my wallpaper
these made ne happy in some way
EA Mar 2021
No one will be proud at you
If you aren't proud of yourself

Don't expect others to give you something that you deprived yourself to
Ironic coz I think I love someone even though I don't love myself 🤣
EA Mar 2021
Thank you so much for cheering me up
Thank you for all the support
I'm sorry about "this" happening again to you
"Staying only make things worst"
It's very painful for me that
I'm hurting you
as much as I did to myself
But you know what
until the end
You did everything for me

You are everything for me

Im sorry I left
Please be happy okay?
My reply :)
I'm not expecting he will see this but if he does
Hey, ilysm and imy
Take care
EA Mar 2021
No one
Will be there
To visit,
To enjoy,
To be happy

If there will be
It is because of pity
Of the place itself

Not worthy to be shown
To public
Should close
Til further notice
EA Mar 2021
I can't go on
Probably because
I can't accept everything
And I'm still hoping for something
Imposible as of the moment
meh, just a bit drama.
EA Mar 2021
I hope these words
will reach you

I hope this feelings
will be felt by you

I hope my hugs
will comfort you

I hope our hearts, mind, and soul
will be be connected

And someday all those hopes will come true
I believe in destiny
But I will also make it happen

And I hope
You are ready
Hey there
Writing some cliche things but these are really what is in my mind rn. Raw emotions
Bare with me:<
EA Mar 2021
Always remember that
Im here for you
You can count on me

I'll be with you
Through all your ups and downs

I'll be with you
Through all the sunny days and storms

I'll be with you
No matter what happens
Because you are very special to me
This is for that person who rarely gets some down moments. Im so proud of how strong you overcome things, and it made me admire you more. Even tho, there are some downpour of ur mood but I still admire you for that. Stay strong okay? Im here and Ill be strong too
And lets fight fight
EA Mar 2021
I waited for your call
That didn't happen

What I did cause that
I changed your mind

My excitement turned to disappointment
Disappointment to myself
For ruining that chance
Im not proud of this
EA Mar 2021
Reading all the poems you wrote
I feel the empathy and pain

Since all those words
Are from someone who love
Yet the one they love so much -left

I realized after reading those
I still love you, so much
You still love her
we are both stuck
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