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I went for a walk today
in search of poetry.

A little inspiration
in something I might see.

It wasn't a particularly beautiful day, 
Cloudy and a bit cold.

But from time to time 
the clouds would part, 
and wash the world in gold.

It wasn't quite mesmerizing 
still no poetry came to me.

So I decided to take a load off,
and parked myself beneath a tree.

I just sat there for a while, 
to see what I could see.

And what struck me most 
was that there was no one,
not a soul around but me.

Well, that's not exactly true.

There were a couple birds up in this tree,
but they were busy doing bird things,
not at all concerned with me.

And a squirrel up on a power line, 
also without a care,
as far as I could see.

And in that very moment 
a poem came to me.

But I did not write it down,
I just enjoyed my time under that tree.

I'll save the poem for later,
because I'm living the poetry.
The world is a big beautiful place if we take a moment to unplug,
unwind, and just allow our minds to take a break for a little while.
checkout the video for this on my you tube channel
Anais Vionet Oct 2021
Let’s pretend Sundays last forever
and spend hours drowsing in the sun.
Let stress slowly fade, like a passing parade
and our cares will seem light as feathers.

I hear clouds still collage on blue canvas,
and deciduous leaves turned bright colors
we’ll picnic, we’ll laugh, and lay in the grass
and this Sunday will outshine all the others.
keepin’ it Sunday simple
Reagan Jul 2020
The day is cold
But the water is warm
And I’ll sit for just one more minute
To hide out from the storm

For one minute more
I’ll lay in the tub
won’t think about stress
Just watch the water fill up

Just one more minute
I’ll feel my hands start to prune
But I won’t be worried
I’ll be out of the tub soon

Just 60 more seconds
But oh the waters so nice
Would it be so bad
If I did my one minute twice?

I could lay here forever
And forget all of my troubles
If I could only stay here
And get lost in the bubbles

They’ll tell me to leave
That my water bill will soar
But what’ll I care
On my own bathroom shore

For just one more minute
I can fake my bliss
Because really
How could it get much better than this

I know this water
It’s safe and secure
But the world outside
I can never endure

So I’ll lay in the bath
To evade my self doubt
And sit in the water
Until the water runs out
Debanjana Saha Oct 2017
A cup of Tea
and a kettle of stress
Compliments each other
One one is hotter
Than the other.

Both mingle with us
Stress comes first,
Accompanying  with a
nice cup of tea
Makes us feel better
Than ever!
During stressful days we come to appreciate the small things in life. Just a walk outside or a cup of tea, makes us feel so much better!

— The End —