My wrist begins to flutter
Eyes launch a dilation
Thoughts descend to encounter the lead
All to create a selection of words
Developed by 26 letters
Colliding and stringing together
As a whole
Consisting of vowels
Meaninglessly rising to the top
Attaining popularity
Among the rest of the 21 others
And consonants
Creeping and crawling
Just to be acknowledged
B,C,D,F,G,H,J… and so forth
It can’t be done nor spelled without
A, E, I, O, U.
Y, O, U. You.
One consonant
Two vowels
But a word
Filled with power
Who are you?
Are you the Z creeping and crawling
just to be acknowledged?
Or are you the A
meaninglessly rising to the top?
Just like the millions of words in usage
Formed by both consonants and vowels
We also need each other, from A-Z and everything in between
26 individuals
Each one with a certain ability
To be capitalized.
Which letter are you?
The letter awaiting its turn to be first?
From A, B & C's
Uniting with L, M, N, O, & P’s
To make a bigger “picture”
A bigger, story.
Now in this time
More than ever
We need unity between man
To form something bigger
It starts with U
A letter nevertheless
But also Y, O, U
Now it's completely up to you
How are you going to write your story?
How are you going to string together the vowels and consonants?
Because in the end
The only one that can create a perfect ending
To your own story
Is A, E, I, O, you.
This poem relates us the poet with the letters our fingers type and the words our hands write. Enjoy!