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ryn Dec 2015
•• i really don't see the need to                                
•• dictate•the way the dishes are                           
•• sorted in order in the sink •i                              
•• don't see the point in being                                
   •• irate• if the door creaks when you try to think•
    •• i can't tell apart between emotions you feel•sad-
   •• ness and disappointment, they look the same to
   •• me•i do not care  if it's mauve or teal•for good-
    •• ness sake, the  cushions...,  they look fine to me!!
    •• •well, i now wave my white flag and surrender
     ••                             • because all these  differences...
     ••                           don't matter at all•just know that
     ••                          i have sworn to love you forever•
••                                                      ­                          
••                                                              ­                  
••                                                              ­                  
••                                                              ­                  
••                                                              ­                  
                                        *even if you drive me insane
                                        and up the wall•
Concrete Poem 19 of 30

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ryn Dec 2015
                       •the   ••••••••
         old man wi-    ••••••••
    thered•as suns    ••••••••
  would set....over    ••••••••
many days•follies    ••••••••  
he committed, then    ••••••••    
unencumbered•fina-    ••••••••       
lly caught now    ••••••••         
he pays • like an unca-    ••••••••         
ged bird,  he had left his    ••••••••            
perch• not looking                                              
back, leaving behi-                                                
nd hatchlings  and                                                  ­
nest• he discarded                                                    
his­  roots  when he                                                    
left them  in the lu-                                                      
rch• flew to pursue                                                      
what­  he had thoug-                                                      
ht was best•now he's                                                    ­ 
ailing thin.....he seeks                                                     
to reconcile • reached                                                   
to his sons...and left a                                                   
voice message•asking                                               
atonement for  his cri-                                             
mes so despicable and                                          
vile • for now he lays con-    ••••••••   illness and    ••••••••         
rage•hours tick by as his    ••••••••       
days blur into weeks...•    ••••••••      
his frail  breaths weak-    ••••••••   
en as he succumbs in    ••••••••
  bed•finally the call    ••••••••
     did come bearing    ••••••••
           the absolution    ••••••••
                   he seeks•    ••••••••

just a minute too late,
for the old man is already
Concrete Poem 21 of 30

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ryn Nov 2015
•i only               •••            weep for          
the path of my brethren•when we turn          
to bloodshed to settle petty squabbles•          
the rage               •••                  in  our          
hearts could          
not be more brazen•          
for we have ground all we-          
've built to dust and rubble•the tears from the fau-      
cets of many only trickle•the drips could never douse
the flames we've stoked • we play with lives as we pit
                    them to a gamble•the hei-               nousness
                           within us that we've                     carelessly
... invoked•
                                              ­                                       •••••
                                             ­                                       ••••••
                                                ­                                     •••
Concrete Poem 5 of 30

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ryn Dec 2015
• p-                                                                
eople do                                                              
not see past                                                               
her   makeover•                                                               
•only  traded snea-                                                               
kers for heels beyond                                                             
her years• starkness of                                                         
change, her  before and                                                   
•••after•only constants                                                 
•••are her darkness and                                             
•••••fears•happily ever                                          
•••      after is a dream so                                     
•••         far•when sickness                                  
•••          consumed her caregi-                           
   •••           vers old•hides these away                    
  •••              as she approaches the stationary      
        •••                  car •  only her stilettos know... of her
         •••                     ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
      •••                       ••••••••••••••••••••••••

*story untold•
Concrete Poem 27 of 30

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ryn Dec 2015
•i've depleted my font,
my creative well•for each
day passed, with a story to tell
•staining white and barren land-
scapes•by sculpting my words into
myriad shapes•from factory fumes to
a wedding ring•an ominous tombstone
to a flash of lightning•an hourglass to track
elapsing time•the untold story behind a loved

                   nursery rhyme•            |  
                   with this i conc-             |  
                lude my 30 day run          o  
•it's been quite a stretch but
all in good fun•rest assured that
more will come when the time is
right•for now i'll turn off my
bedside lamp and bid
you all a goodnight•

Concrete Poem 30 of 30

Thank you so much for your continued love and support! If you have missed any of the entries, click on the "30daysofconcrete" hashtag below to view them all. Thanks again!!!
ryn Nov 2015
quiet  sol-■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■­■■■■■
itude envelopes■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
my space • deflecting■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
all that is consequential•lea-■■■■■■■■■■■
ving voiceless  thoughts i cannot■■■■■■■■
trace • only ghost-like echoes vi-■■■■■■■■
sit;  faint  and subtle •nestling in■■■■■■■■
this void that i am in• comfort e-■■■■■■■■
mbraces warm like a  long lost fr-■■■■■■■■
iend•i melt as i sink deeper with-■■■■■■■■
in• slow tumble into an abyss w-■■■■■■■■
ith no end•relativity dissolves in-■■■■■■■■
to nothingness •everything seems■■■■■■■■
warped and incoherent•there is...■■■■■■■■
an odd strength about being wei-■■■■■■■■
ghtless • as the currents carry me■■■■■■■■
away from the days' detriments...■■■■■■■■
welcome, come've been■■■■■■■■
here before•do not's not■■■■■■■■
too far • just a few steps, beyond■■■■■■■■
the door•slip into my dark-          
   ness for i've left the
               gates to my

slightly ajar•
Concrete Poem 10 of 30

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ryn Dec 2015

against the
canvas of night
•your efforts would
reach but it's just too far•you twinkle the hardest...despite•
being crowded by the other stars•at times i see you
faltering dim•you fight to conserve what
fuel you've left to burn•as you
feel the encroaching void from uni-
verse's rim•keep    twinkling for only
time...will                                  tell what's
left t-                                                  o learn•
•                                                         ­               •

You're all stars in my eyes...

Concrete Poem 25 of 30

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ryn Dec 2015
•look far...
to the horizon•as the sun
dips into the ocean •most magnific-
ent display of colours • radiance in yell-
ows and captivating ambers•majestic specta-
cle that will  dwindle within minutes•no words
could match  such  beauty that deals  in infinites •
~ si  nk ing unse~en beyo nd the thr eshold• the mi ~ghty ~~
~ ~  s  un grows red der•~night sky cree ps in, with th e ~
~~ ~moon smilin g bold• ad opting her ~stan ce as the     ~ ~
~~  ~ gua  rdi~an hereaf ter• entour age~ of s  tars  ~
      ~   ~*****  le with s peckle s of g old •       ~ ~
        ~   ~      ~ ~ b~idding  farewell t o         ~  ~       ~
~             ~t he su ~n's
~       ~~~
~            ~~         ~  ~     ~
~~ ~                   ~ ~               ~

*ruling sceptre•
Concrete Poem 18 of 30

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ryn Dec 2015
••                                  ••
••••••                  ­        ••••••
••••     •••                    •••     ••••
••••                                                      ••­••
•••••                                                         ­   •••••
•••••                                                   ­                •••••
•in  your world, your man with the addiction rules • he's
all fists with a mind of a hundred mules• daily he takes
to the bottle • then  atte      ntion to you, he asserts
his ugly mettle•i know        he is pummelling you
out of your  senses•               you can't  hide your
  tears... and brui-                      ses behind those

*darkened lenses•
Concrete Poem 20 of 30

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ryn Nov 2015
here near,
you   exist
so far•fur-
ther    than
my   vision
could  ever
kilometres away is wh-
ere you are•faraway land on a distant beach•let
foreign winds drench my senses•let the offshore sand greet
my feet • let us come to a consensus....• that soon our gazes
would me-
might sur-
face by the
end of this
th the dawning of mo-
rrow's morn•grant me the wings
to take flight • put me on a plane

and render me airborne
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