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Jeff Gaines May 2018
Hello everyone,

  I'm so very sorry … I feel horrible doing this, but I have no choice. You see, I have published my first book on Amazon/Kindle! This piece (and many others) had to be taken down because they do not allow published material to be available online for free. (Go figure) I wanted to leave the shell of the posts because I felt compelled to leave all your helpful and loving comments. (Silly sentimental, I know), but I also didn't want to just have the pieces disappear without an explanation. I feel bad enough as it is!

  I owe ALL of you so, SO much for all of your reads, love, and support. It was YOU that gave me the gumption to FINALLY get off my **** and publish! Thank you all for the warm comments, camaraderie, and encouragement! I will still be here, reading, uploading and just being the Rascal that I am. How could I EVER leave you guys?

  The book is called “The Way I See It – FictionPhilosophySoul Food” and it will be FREE for the first few days on Kindle Select, so watch for it, if you are interested. I hope that you go and grab it. If you do, I would also hope that you find it worthy, you would leave me a good review. That will help me get in the public eye! Soon afterwards (2-3 days or so), it will be available in paperback. I will be building my Author page tonight (12/21/2018) and my website finished first thing Monday!

Find the book(s) here:

Or find the book(s), and all about me, here:

  Soon after, I also hope to have my first novel (a supernatural thriller), called “Wanderer” available as well!

  Wish me luck!

                                Big, Biggest Love,

                                               Jeff Gaines
Be careful!
Jeff Gaines Feb 2018
Hello everyone,

  I'm so very sorry … I feel horrible doing this, but I have no choice. You see, I have published my first book on Amazon/Kindle! This piece (and many others) had to be taken down because they do not allow published material to be available online for free. (Go figure) I wanted to leave the shell of the posts because I felt compelled to leave all your helpful and loving comments. (Silly sentimental, I know), but I also didn't want to just have the pieces disappear without an explanation. I feel bad enough as it is!

  I owe ALL of you so, SO much for all of your reads, love, and support. It was YOU that gave me the gumption to FINALLY get off my **** and publish! Thank you all for the warm comments, camaraderie, and encouragement! I will still be here, reading, uploading and just being the Rascal that I am. How could I EVER leave you guys?

  The book is called “The Way I See It – FictionPhilosophySoul Food” and it will be FREE for the first few days on Kindle Select, so watch for it, if you are interested. I hope that you go and grab it. If you do, I would also hope that you find it worthy, you would leave me a good review. That will help me get in the public eye! Soon afterward (2-3 days or so), it will be available in paperback.

Find the book(s) here:

Or find the book(s), and all about me, here:

  Soon after, I also hope to have my first novel (a supernatural thriller), called “Wanderer” available as well!

  Wish me luck!

                                Big, Biggest Love,

                                               Jeff Gaines
The original title of this poem was "Sentient". After learning the meaning and concept of "Sonder", I found it was a far and away better title.

~SONDER - n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.
Jason Cirkovic Oct 2017
I feel like a kitchen appliance
Being used until the newest model comes in from Amazon,
So someone else can steal the Amazon prime light away from your matchstick way
Lighting up the darkest of nights
Melting my worries away
I used to be that way,
I look shiny
And irreplaceable
I never thought you could replace something irreplaceable until I don't know now?
And maybe sure,
My cable is freighted
My blue eyes have more luggage than what it first came here with
It feels like there's more instructions,
More problems
So now I see this familiar box
Amazon prime logo ready at hand
Knowing that this night is will be my last
This one has brown eyes
And it's cables aren't freighted
Like how you left me jaded
That one won't be outdated, right?
So as you pry me from my throne
I hold as hard as I can
Freighted cable holding onto the wall
With all of my might
Knowing that the only thing that is irreplaceable
Is you.
Tamara Fraser Aug 2016
Clocks beat their incessant rhythm;
time told by ticks you hear,
time is the air you breathe,
time is the harder push and kick under water.

I am acutely aware of the struggle,
the weight of water above, suffocating,
and the darkness below.

When I see you turn and stare,
a smile dusted with sugar and sprinkles,
I know it’s too late; the ticking stopped.

I’m pinned to a board for you,
splayed in compromising ways,
all the colours and lines, shapes and textures
of my soul laid bare beneath the glass.

Pinned to a board,
your personal butterfly,
wings open and stabbed through with pins.

This is how love gone wrong makes you feel.
This is what being horribly open makes you realise.
You are on display; kindnesses and sins,
inked like sacred tattoos all over.

You are the expert, judging my form.
You are the clever enthusiast,
reshaping my design, new pins,
new stabs,
as you replace the glass before my eyes again.

Hopelessly trapped in your hands,
quaking like a captured bird,
I can’t even move my arms to cover
the crude scratched markings,
bright red scissor marks across my thighs.

They speak of pain, heart ache,
loneliness, sadness;
emotional rollercoasters,
betrayal, silent tears, self punishment.
Heartbreak mostly.
Over you.

This is how anxiety kills.
The constant glass window you place
me so nicely under
is more toxic than you know.
It keeps me locked under an icy glow.

I’m pinned so I can’t
break your gaze;
you may not think it much but
I’m lost in such a tearful craze.

Please stop hurting me,
please stop viewing me.
I’m open and raw and cut,
lying like a dead specimen;
you took it all from me
when you
I love you.

Place me out of sight,
just for a little while.
Let me keep my secrets,
let me keep my shelter;
the safe where I throw all the
because I don’t want you to see them.

If you loved me,
I wouldn’t have to be your
dead butterfly.
I’d be fluttering at your ear,
a sweet brief presence, a coloured blur,
lost in the air, free in seconds.

If you loved me,
let me go.

— The End —