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Amelia Apr 2014
take the freeway sampler for long trips to see your horrible family

Amelia Apr 2014
people will just love your ****** clothes
do not change
Amelia Apr 2014
if you're ever in Little Tokyo
and a man with a ponytail
asks you where he can wash his hands
do not answer
Ari B Apr 2014
Have you ever made a pit stop on the road to success,
to just  sit and marvel at the gifts of the ghetto?
Like the individually wrapped Treats that are left about.
have you seen the gum plastered across pavements,
the tagged up scenes...
all of these things.
The **** that people tend to turn their nose up to
is the most beautiful to me.
it reminds me of where I am and fuels me to reach for where I want to be.
Broken sidewalks, broken homes
babies out hustlin' to make their own.
For as long as I can remember,
this is all I've known
this is the land that I call home.
city buses and ratchet fights
****** scenes in broad daylight
beautiful ugliness at my eyesight
but it all pushes me to get it right.
Land of promises
Land of fame
home to Hollywood
and making a name
it is also home to heartache
and home of pain.
but if I must refrain..
If you make a pit stop on the road to success
and marvel at the ghetto
you'd realize you are blessed.

-ari b
Amelia Apr 2014
elotes jingling ringing by
ponies munching grass
inevitable sticky arm
pointing to the sky
watching Cooper's pass

buses exhale noxious fumes
singing greasy axle tunes
grainy walk beneath our feet
offers something more than supple street

something more than supple street
something more we can't defeat
a burning penny in blue-tile sky
a charred lily in our green water supply
a pyroclastic flow of people
i'd love to meet
i'd love to meet
i'd love to meet

— The End —