Grateful for the blue skies
For the warmth of a day
For soft drops of rain
For lilac buds and trees
Dancing leaves
For ocean waves on sandy grains.
Grateful for what is seen
Touched, felt
In whispers heard
The moment that soaks in
The little joys of life
Midst the spinning of the world.
Grateful for wine and water
Fruit of orchards
Seasons that shed
For hands that help
Eyes that speak
With words unsaid.
Grateful for those who love
For the wind behind
Feathered wings
For angels that twinkle
Through the stars
And the light they bring.
Grateful for kindness
Hugs in gentle embrace
Grateful for smiles
That come my way
That my fingers love to trace.
Grateful for rays of hope
That fill a cup
Then glimmer on the rim
Grateful for you
And the quiet presences
For the gift of life and Him.