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this is something i say to my best friend

things may seem that there after you
that the world hate you
that everyone is against you

but its not like this
you are given these hard time
to make you stronger

yes you'll see who your real friends are
but you'll become stronger
its only there to help you

so it will always be ok
The day she woke up with the worst panic attack ever,
the kind that threatens complete mental collapse,
an implosion into the uncharted territory of insanity,

she recovered enough to rise from her bed, make tea,
stumble through her usual routine, all the while
feeling the powerful effects of an emotional hangover

identical to the sort one has after a heated, one-sided
argument between lovers or a parent and child.
Part of her felt sheepish, apologetic, wanting

for all the world to undo what had been done;
the other part--wounded, skittish, like a mongrel
in a shelter kennel, an untold history of life’s atrocities.
Rain rain go away
We don’t want you here, your gloom and misery
your nourishment and catharsis.
We don’t want to be baptized under your command
or be surrounded by budding flowers
trickling streams
mud puddles.

Rain rain go way come again another day*
Why do today what we can put off until tomorrow.
Let’s procrastinate the harbinger of life, the unrelenting cycle
Evaporation condensation precipitation evaporation .
We cannot delay, sit back and listen to the gentle patter.
Just enjoy the grey.

Hvis du dropper
historien om,
at noget er svagt,
og noget andet er stærkt,
så er der ikke noget,
der er bedre end andet,
og du kan være dig selv
- ligesom du er -
hver eneste gang.
en lille reminder på en blæsende juni-dag som denne
the bell will ring soon
and i just want to get out

you take up 7 hours of my day
when i could be hanging with friends
or doing other things

you bring me new people to meet
but yet you bring me bullies and drama

can the bell hurry up so i can just get out of here
 Jun 2015 stéphane noir
Poetic T
I wept at the moment
           You were faded, and
                            I thought feathers can ****,
                                              As they were weighted upon
                                                             You­r breath, and then, *stillness...
Bravery runs in my family.
This was written by A. R. Ammons
 Jun 2015 stéphane noir
Lenny M
The Ocean is her home,

But she wishes to venture places Unknown,

Above her world, The Surface world

Bottom feeders have left her post modem bored,

She is convinced to Pursue "New",

Can you blame her for chasing Waterfalls,

Instead of sticking to the rivers that she is use to,

She fiends to be Free,

From the shackles of conformity
My Little Mermaid .. Swim on :)
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