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  Jan 2015 lost in thought
Has anyone heard about her?
This magnificent girl,
my fangirl parter,
the other half to the
photography duo?
If so, please contact me.
Todays her birthday,
and yes I'm a few hours late,
but I'd like to say a very
Happy Birthday
to my dear friend.
She has helped me through tough times,
and has been through a lot herself,
but she's a survivor.
She's MIA,
and I need my friend back...
Well, I hope she is doing well,
she's finally becoming a teenager
(but totally not a normal stereotypical one, who needs  normal anyways?)
and I'm so proud. -tear-
She's come a long way and I've had the privilege of knowing her personally.

Hope you're okay and that you see this,
Tata for now ;)

by katy perry
Want that old thing back
by the Notorious B.I.G feat
He's mine so stop trying to take him!!
Incapacitated by my own illness
Surrounded by an invisible cage
Cannot fill this endless void
Broken by this choice of inconceivable rage.

Loathing all that evil brings
Sickened by the torture inflicted
Drowning by the tears I've shed
Dreading the truth that we've all become addicted.

Conscious desire turns my lungs into lead
Resplendence within my soul more intrepid than I thought
I know it's not the end, for now
The war of the mind cannot be physically fought.

The dripping of the candle wax
In the light of the moon
Insight of what's happening
Wishing it would be soon
The truth  is everywhere..
lost in thought Jan 2015
Love is a funny thing.
Love causes joy.                         Then pain.
It is happiness.                            Then sadness.
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