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1.8k · Apr 2016
Soumya Goswami Apr 2016
The thought of
never being able to
see you
meet you
talk to you
hug you
kills me from the inside
but does not ****** from me the right to
love you
adore you
cherish memories with you
admire you
and miss you.
1.3k · Apr 2016
Not Like The Rest
Soumya Goswami Apr 2016
I know I am expected to behave the best.
But sorry! I am not like the rest!
I am expected to look pretty
Since I wake up.
But sorry! I don't all the time wanna hide behind make-up.
I don't mind breaking a nail
While playing like a guy,
Rather getting a pedicure.
I don't mind walking in sneakers than heels high!
I don't mind when they don't like the real me.
But I mind faking it
Just to become a sugar lump.
I mind if you randomly judge me,
For I ain't perfect.
I don't mind using revile and abusive words
For someone who perfectly deserves it!
But I mind backbiting and hurting someone just for jest!
I don't mind getting a silly scar,
While playing cricket.
But I mind if you randomly judge me
For I ain't perfect.
1.3k · Apr 2016
True Beauty
Soumya Goswami Apr 2016
True beauty is not always seen
True beauty needn't be external
True beauty is in our individuality
In you, in me, in all of us.
It is in the glittering eyes.
In a squab learning to fly
We just need to look for it
No matter where it lies
True beauty is in love
True beauty is in forgiving
Even if we do not desire to...
It is in laughter, in smile
It is a hope, in which no reasons pile
True beauty is in clean mind, in pure heart
True beauty is in the singing breeze,
Racing water,
Dancing trees
True beauty can never be perfectly
And completely defined,
It is in you, in me, in all of us,
From dawn to dusk....
-Soumya Goswami
1.1k · Apr 2016
Soumya Goswami Apr 2016
You are brave they say
yes, you are
but do they know how it feels to
try hard?
yes, I'm trying hard
very hard
to be brave on the outside
but do they know how it feels to be
crumbled from the inside?
to pretend everything will be fine
when you know it won't;
to become other's strength
when you know you lack it
do they know how it feels to try hard?
yes, I'm trying hard.
668 · Apr 2016
Soumya Goswami Apr 2016
everything turns into nothingness
when arrives death
you see your loved one go
gone as in forever
lost as in forever
you can hug them
no more
you can talk to them
no more
you can't even bid them goodbye
all you can do is keep them
in your memories
in your heart
in your soul.
635 · Apr 2016
When I'm Gone
Soumya Goswami Apr 2016
When I am gone:
Will I be down patted?
Or will I not?
When I am gone:
I don't want my dearests
To sing sad songs
I don't want them to put
The garlands.
I want them to be unable to summon up the bitter I spoke.
Please forget the times of grudge.
But remember that of in-joke.
Don't cry for it isn't the final goodbye.
Don't remember me forever.
But even for a moment.
I want to be dredged up as unleashed as wind.
As true as a kid.
When we come to this world,
We are as lonely as a cloud.
When we go from this world
We are as lonely as a cloud.
And in between:
'All the world's a stage.
And all men and women merely players.
They have their exits and entrances.'
Hence, my dearests:
This isn't the final goodbye.
So, don't cry.
We'll meet when you too
Will come to your final home.
Where you'll freely fly
577 · Apr 2016
Soumya Goswami Apr 2016
Missing you is an incurable pain.
528 · Apr 2016
Soumya Goswami Apr 2016
This today
Is what I'll miss tomorrow!
476 · Apr 2016
Soumya Goswami Apr 2016
You don't see me
you don't hear me
you can just feel me
I am camouflaged by several noises and voices
I depict purity and respect
I don't want to be remembered
only at the mourning times...
why can't you just enjoy me?
tear some time from the book of your busy life,
to feel me...
I am an unseen picture,
I am an unheard piece of music,
I am eternal...
I am there in the deserted deserts,
where no life exists
I am there in the heights of the skies,
I am there in the depth of the sea,
somewhere deep within your soul...
in the coo-coo of cuckoo
in the pitter-patter of rain
the cries of wind break me open...
you don't see me
you don't hear me
you can just feel me.
459 · Apr 2016
Real World
Soumya Goswami Apr 2016
It's funny how everyone in the world
Is busy fooling everyone else
By putting on a mask.
But as grow,
We realise that's how it is.
You see them, you make an assumption.
And one fine day,
You see the real person,
Behind the fading mask!
Welcome to the real world, kid!
Where there is no room for emotions.
All you need to do
Is take up your mask,
Look around if anyone's watching.
Wear it.
Move on.
Fool others.
But make sure you don't flow
With the emotions.
Make sure you move on practically,
Without being fooled.
Make sure you do not get carried away
With the pseudo stuff.
Real people don't exist in the real world.
They are just found in the books.
Or may be, they are there... somewhere.
I believe, somewhere out of my reach.
Maybe I can find them in the distinct list.
Maybe someday, I'll be able to find them.
But till then,
It's funny, seeing, how everyone in the world
Is busy fooling everyone else
By putting on a mask.
And let's admit,
That after some point,
We all ought to do this mask- task!

— The End —