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skyler Jan 2018
she wants to talk with
him more than anything but
sorrow consumes her
skyler Jan 2018
i am not okay
it is that simple

i left three of my classes today just to go breathe in the bathroom so my peers wouldn't see the tears forming in my eyes and i could stick to the lie that i'm doing fine without you

my day was **** because i saw you and you seem better than you've been in a long time and the fact you're so happy kills me to the point where i dont want to even look at you, but at the same time i'm glad you're doing well because i feel like hell and you dont deserve that

i kept thinking of you on the ride home and couldn't stop crying because your laugh just replayed in my head and the boy next to me wouldn't stop asking what was wrong but i told him nothing and his comforting pat on the shoulder just made me flinch  

i say i'm doing okay but my close friends see right through it so they hug my shaking shoulders and hold my trembling hands because they know how much i cared about you and how much this has hurt me

i dont want to go to school because i am afraid to see you because it ******* hurts not being able to hug you, feel your lips against mine, or even just talk about the **** going on in our lives

i wouldn't erase our memories from my head but if there was a pill that could fast forward time to the point where i am over you and the thought of you doesn't make me feel ******* miserable i would have swallowed five by now

i am not okay
it is just that simple

skyler Jan 2018
he lingered
like her bruises
serving a constant reminder
of the pain inflicted

skyler Jan 2018
the only positive
to this pain
is that it gives power
to pathetic poetry

skyler Jan 2018
it hurts the most
knowing he might still care
but not enough
to fight for what's there

skyler Jan 2018
he may have broken her
but her eyes will still glow golden in soft sunlight
even if her cheeks are stained with tears

wish we could talk like we used to
  Jan 2018 skyler
she’s still an angel
even if her heart is shattered into pieces on the ground
and the tears pouring down her face and sobs escaping her lips make her face all red and puffy
she is still an angel

when she cries, she cries but the tears that flow look like a beautiful waterfall
when she’s blue,her eyes fill with hopelessness but in those hazel eyes there is still a sparkle that no one can ever deny
when she smiles, oh when she smiles she lights up the world, not even the sun can shine so bright
she is forever golden; even when her heart is pumping out blood tinted black and blue from all the emotional abuse
she is still golden, and she will always be an angel.
this one's for you skyler
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