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skyler Jan 2018
this wasn’t my choice
it doesn’t feel real
it doesn’t make sense
but that’s just how you feel

i didn’t want this to end
but that’s not for me to decide
i understand it had to happen
although a part of me has died

i will be out of your life
and this can really end
i will always be there for you
but right now i can’t be your friend

so i will stop writing about you
because i’ll only think about it more
it’s pathetic i already miss you
i guess it’s time to close the door

I’m still confused but it was good while it lasted
skyler Jan 2018
if you asked me
to be with you again
i’d say yes
in a heartbeat
thats why
i shouldn’t be your friend
i would always be hoping
one day we’d make it work
and that’s not fair to me
i should be allowed to get over you

  Jan 2018 skyler
i want to know
how to unknow you
Tonight: I wish all of this, and all of some people, never happened. I am tired just for tonight.

skyler Jan 2018
you were the happiest part of my life. i never felt better than when i was with you. maybe that's why this hurts so much. i built a world around you that was my happy place. forgive me for being so naive to think i could stay in that world forever. i wish you the best because even after this i stand by the fact that you are one of the best people i know. you deserve a happy life. even if you dont now, i do think at one point you cared about me and i appreciate the time and effort you poured into this. maybe if life was easier and timing was better we could have worked. i really do love you and i wish this didn't have to end but i understand you need it to. we've been through a lot and i wish only better for you.
thank you for making me so happy for so long and building who i am today. this hurts like nothing ever has but i wouldn't replace my memories with you for anything,
you were my everything.
skyler Jan 2018
i should have kissed him
last time i saw him
held on a little longer
grabbed his face
to look into his blue eyes
i should have hugged him
and soaked up the love
breathe in the scent
with my face buried in his shoulder
stared a little longer
at his perfect smiling face
but i didn't
i didn't and now its over
and i wish i had

skyler Jan 2018
doubtful inquiries
turn to rational thoughts
and like small crafts on open sea
lovers drift apart

skyler Jan 2018
seeds of doubt
sprout and flourish
stronger than the roses
that symbolized your love
for doubt is **** killer
and even enchanted roses
wilt away
in amorous decay

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