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 Nov 2014 Sir B
A what if:
 Nov 2014 Sir B
I slept last night
With no thoughts on my mind
Because its the easiest method to sleep
But as i dreamt of castles,
Of suburbs, of theaters
Of other relationships
(Of other people)
It brought this revelation
That WHAT if.

What if:
We were next to each other
When we woke up
My face would turn red like a tomato
And i would just start laughing
Because of the realization that
I'm with the person I love

What if:
We would talk for hours on an end
And fill up the memories on iPhones
And our minds with talks of gossip
Talks of science, talks of hangouts
Your friends would envy it so much
They would become angry at us

What if:
We were together in the school
Holding hands and the people knowing
That we are together
It would be so **** amazing
For me, knowing I did it
I ventured into unknown and came back

What if:
We walked home everyday
Sat together on the bus
Those little things which people say
Have no significance will never fathom
The signficance the little things have
Because little things make something big

I truly cannot fathom the beauty
The joy, the love
That I would feel from someone
Who isn't a family member
But someone else, who genuinely loves me
For what I am
I will be so proud to say
"I did it! I braved through!"

If only this were true.
I woke up and thought about it.. November 23rd 2014
 Oct 2014 Sir B
Jeffrey Pua
''We should not speak
In turns.'', she said.
''Kiss me.''*

© 2014 J.S.P.
 Oct 2014 Sir B
I said I'd love you forever, and I didn't lie
 Sep 2014 Sir B
Love vs Love
 Sep 2014 Sir B

Love!               vs              Love?

I love you!                      I love you?
It's true, I do!                 It's true, I do
Wonder why?              Wonder why;
You love me too!          You love me too?
First published 22nd September 2014, 10:00 AEST.
 Sep 2014 Sir B
Strange Chameleon
my mind in in contortion
thoughts swirl and dance
in endless random currents
there is no head nor tail to the madness

as i trying to grab hold of these thoughts
they flit away
and I am driven insane
trying to clasp onto thoughts
that cannot be caught

You wrote in a book
That I will again stand up
After my death,
Where there will no sigh to fly on the autumn air

And you told me
That she will smile again
Where there will be a captivated full moon that will play with her rectangular eyes

And there will be played a long summer
That should be risen again in a mystical sweeten,
As the kissed when my love was just only sixteen

Again you said to me
After death, her beauty will never die
Where there will be a lovely haven on her lips
And her simple kiss that I will be missed through a thousand of years long

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Love is immortal.........
 Aug 2014 Sir B
We learn from the time that we are fresh and impressionable like wet clay, that every morning when we wake up the first thing we do before we thank god we woke up at all, or before we groan and turn off the alarm, we don our safety goggles that shield our eyes from all the pain and suffering in front of us allows us to cope, blinds us to the truth and reality of the depravity that encases us, in addition these handy dandy safety goggles keep us complacent and resistant to change and improvement. As we go through life the lenses change, affected by the influences we fall under, sometimes a moment of understanding hits and we see it all...Pain, all consuming soul eating grief, mourning all that has been lost or has disappeared...But at that moment I think it is the only time the true beauty of the world can be appreciated, because without the pain the beauty fades to the background unnoticed unappreciated...So now all there is to do is to wake up every morning and see everything all at once and fight against the ingrained blindness and the delusional desire for "pure and simple happiness hold the reality please "
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