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You know

            How to recover the moral loss
Walk right through
The handy open door.
It should be obvious to you
What the thing is for.
There may be no mat
Saying ‘welcome’ on the floor
But that is fine piece of
Symbolism to explore.

You can stand and knock
And be exceedingly polite
Or walk in and say hello.
That would be all right.
There is a liberal here
So there won’t be a fight
If you can also stand
To stare into the light.

The light is the glow
Truth casts on a lie.
If you can’t stand that
Then, you might say goodbye
And find another door
With some pleasing soul
Who will gladly take on
A much more passive role.

So, through this open door
We’ll talk about a good cause,
But, cheers for inequality
Won’t be met with applause.
How to make the world better
We are willing to fully explore
How to find more ‘yes men’
For you, this is the wrong door.
Today was a slow day on the news wire
Nothing at all going on
The people and things that cause trouble in life
Must have decided to call it quits and stay home

No earthquakes or tornado's to speak of
No mudslides or fires to ravage the land
All the people who bring us the bad news
Stood around just scratching their heads

Not a person was murdered or robbed
No kidnapping or spousal abuse
Nothing much exciting to speak of
That we've grown to expect in our news

No bombs in the Middle East went off
No politicians were caught in a lie
No Hollywood Star said something stupid
No one famous or not even died

Yes today was a slow day on the news wire
Nothing at all going on
Which has the rest of us wondering
If this is the calm before the storm
Did someone steal your youth away
And leave you as a tiny old-timer?
Did someone say painful things to you
And, like a coward, did they run away?
Was there any kind of warning
So you could at least adjust?
Or did they just leave you there
With no hope, no faith, no trust?

Open up your arms you angels!
See me where I languish!
Have you no caring word for me
To raise me above this anguish?

Was there one day pleasant skies
And dreams of a cheerful future
Then the next day you were all alone
With no one there for nurture?
The world becomes a darker place
When do people on which you rely
Make a choice between you and themselves
And leave you to live or die.

Open up your arms you angels!
See me where I languish!
Have you no caring word for me
To raise me above this anguish?

Looking for the face of love
And finding disapproval there,
Where else can a person go,
To learn of love and care?
Will they not find other things
With much less pleasant names;
With the risk the sufferer
Will find themselves to blame?

Open up your arms you angels!
See me where I languish!
Have you no caring word for me
To raise me above this anguish?
Life is like a boat
In the middle of the sea
Riding high the waves
Trying to catch a breeze
Doing all you know
Just to stay afloat
Keep the pail ready to bail
Life is like a boat

Life is like a car
Trying to get you there
Before you find you're nowhere
And that you do not care
Ready set get on your mark
Hoping that it starts
To get you beyond where you are
Life is like a car

Life is like a plane
Turbulence and all
Voice out your complaints
Just make sure that you hold on
Not for the heart that's faint
Across the not so friendly skies
As you quickly make your way
Life is like a plane

One thing you can count for sure
Death is the only cure
To this thing that we call life
The rest is just a metaphor
She paints freely
Whenever she is around
Then draws briefly
Either a smile or frown

She's good at building texture
Less is more where it counts
She paints by numbers
When she's out and about

She wears a smock
So there's less of a mess
But when it comes to abstract hearts
No promises are kept

Mistakes are hard to erase
When using an angry oil base
She paints by numbers
Helping to cut to the chase

She makes you feel
Life is but surreal
With you as her medium
Nailed to her easel

Using you as her landscape
In her brushstrokes of give and take
She paints by numbers
The only way she can keep life straight
Live life happy
and together
even if in your poetry
Daisy and Lilly will sprout out

you have to die a few times
before you can really live
sounds believable
like the breath in frozen snow
praying your queen of everything and everyone
and she does not disappoint anyone
since she loves her all children equally

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
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